Peristaltic pump, metal, for experimental use, by Picador, from Middlesex Hospital, English, 1950-1960 Peristaltic pump 1950-1960
Two-drawer trolley cabinet for dispensing chiropodial dressings, complete with dressings, maker unknown, 1945-1965 Two-drawer trolley cabinet for dispensing chiropodial dressings 1945-1965
"Surqual" hot air sterilizer, dental, English manufacture, 1935-1955 "Surqual" hot air sterilizer 1935-1955
"Silent Assistant" self sterilizing dental instrument cabinet, by Elge, Paris, 1950-1960 "Silent Assistant" self sterilizing dental instrument cabinet 1950-1960
"Walton Mark 3" nitrous oxide/oxygen dental anaesthetic apparatus by the British Oxygen Co. Ltd., London, 1950-1955 "Walton Mark 3" nitrous oxide/oxygen dental anaesthetic apparatus 1950-1955
"Rota Air" air turbine dental drill, by Platarg Instruments Ltd., London, 1958-1965 "Rota Air" air turbine dental drill
'Ultratherm' electrotherapeutic machine, probably for short-wave diathermy, with four groups of two electrodes, by General Radiological, British, 1946. Sheet metal cabinet on casters with pyramid-shaped lid, with electrode rod attachments on one side of cabinet. 'Ultratherm' electrotherapeutic machine 1946