Two tubes, each of 20 tablets of "Prontosil", supplied by Bayer Products Ltd, London, 1955-1965 Two tubes
Two bottles of "Stovarsol" tablets, with instructions, in original carton, by May and Baker, Ltd., English. Two bottles of "Stovarsol" tablets
Bottle of quinine hydrobromide tablets, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., England, 1911-1915 Bottle of quinine hydrobromide tablets 1911-1915
Bottle of quinine belladonna and camphor tablets, by Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., England, 1933-1939 Bottle of quinine belladonna and camphor tablets 1933-1939
Bottle of quinine bisulphate tablets, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., England, 1924-1940 Bottle of quinine bisulphate tablets 1924-1940
Boxed bottle of terramycin vaginal tablets, by Pfizer Ltd., England, 1965-1968 Boxed bottle of terramycin vaginal tablets 1965-1968
Tube of yohimbine hydrochloride tablets in original carton, by Society of Chemical Industry in Basle, Swiss Tube of yohimbine hydrochloride tablets in original carton
Graduated feeding bottle, in aluminium container, with leatherette case, British, 1890-1910 Graduated feeding bottle 1890-1910
Glass bottle of 'Methanogene' sterilizer capsules, by Dr. Pierre Rolland, 127 Boulevard St. Michel, Paris, France, 1930-1960 Glass bottle of 'Methanogene' sterilizer capsules 1930-1960
Bottle of 2% Xylocaine solution, in box, with instructions, by Astra-Hewlett Ltd., Watford, 1965 Bottle of 2% Xylocaine solution 1965
Bottle of "Redoxon" vitamin C tablets, by Roche Products Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, England, 1950-1965 Bottle of 'Redoxon' vitamin C tablets 1950-1965
Bottle of oestroform tablets from Savory and Moore's shop, by British Drug Houses of London, 1951-1970 Bottle of oestroform tablets from Savory and Moore's shop
Bottle of 'Calsaloids' with instructions, by Torbet Lactic Oat Co. Ltd., 24 Great King Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. Bottle of 'Calsaloids' with instructions
Bottle of quinine bihydrochloride tablets, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., England, 1916-1939 Bottle of quinine bihydrochloride tablets 1916-1939
Empty bottle for quinine bisulphate tablets, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., England, 1916-1939 Empty bottle for quinine bisulphate tablets 1916-1939
Bottle of quinine bisulphate tablets, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., England, 1916-1939 Bottle of quinine bisulphate tablets 1916-1939
Bottle of quinine hydrochloride tablets, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., England, 1916-1935 Bottle of quinine hydrochloride tablets 1916-1935
Bottle of quinine acetyisalicylate tablets, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., England, 1916-1925 Bottle of quinine acetyisalicylate tablets 1916-1925
Metallic cylindrical canister with aluminium screw cap and paper label. 'Spansule' brand capsules contain small pellets of sustained release formulation consisting of the active ingredients dexamphetamine sulphate (under the brand name Dexedrine) and amylobarbitone. Use for mild temporary neuroses. canister; controlled drug; dextroamphetamine