Object type

Experimental Topographical Head Down Display

Transducer, static and pitot static

German Gyro Device of Second World War Vintage

Control unit, type 522, for bomb aiming equipment.

Indicator unit for wind finding attachment

Automatic Dead Reckoning Instrument System

Rate Gyro Platform

Projection Moving Map

Vibrograph Mk II.

Wide angle camera as chest mounted in anthropomorphic dummy

Air Mileage Unit Mk 2.

Type 49 Mark II aerial survey camera plus two separate protection covers.

Type 49 Mark II aerial survey camera

Part of recording system for Red Owl, made by GEC Seimens Ltd., Christopher Newton Road, Basildon, Essex, an infra red line scanning night vision system used in helicopters.

Part of Recording System for Red Owl

Infra red seeker head for British Red Top missile.

Heat-seeking missile head top, 1953.


Head down moving map navigation display for Harrier aircraft.

Head Down Moving Map Navigation Display

Ground position indicator, Mk 1B. Designed to project an illuminated arrow onto chart on navigation table.

Ground position indicator

Hydrogen peroxide roll control unit for the RAE RTV 1 J (rocket test vehicle).

Hydrogen peroxide roll control unit for the RAE RTV 1 J

Ground position indicator, Mk 2. Developed for use in smaller naval aircraft.

Ground position indicator

Type F52 airborne camera as used in the Canberra aircraft. Follow on from F24.

Type F52 airborne camera as used in Canberra aicraft

Altimeter, German Luftwaffe, from FW190, fully aerobatic.

Altimeter, German Luftwaffe