Magneto electric therapy apparatus, hand cranked, by Maw and Thompson, of London, 1870-1905 Magneto electric therapy apparatus 1870-1905
Mid 19th century magneto-electric therapy apparatus, hand cranked, invented by Davis 1854, made by Burnap of Lowell, Mass. Mid 19th century magneto-electric therapy apparatus 1854-1880
Mid C19 magneto-electric therapy machine with ornate gilt castings, hand-cranked, probably after Davis of USA, English or American, 1850-1875 Mid C19 magneto-electric therapy machine with ornate gilt castings 1850-1875
Later 19th century magneto-electric machine for electrotherapy, hand-cranked, probably infringing Davis' USA patent of 1854 Later 19th century magneto-electric machine for electrotherapy
Hand-cranked electrotherapy apparatus with Clarke-type magneto, by Appareil Gaiffe at Paris, in fine mahogany case, owned by Dr. P.F. Gachet, French, 1859. Complete set with 7 electrodes (two flat ovoid plates, one sponge-holder, one brush, one rectal, two button-shaped attachments) and two wires to connect electrodes to apparatus. Hand-cranked electrotherapy apparatus with Clarke-type magneto 1859