Mourning ornament consisting of human hair wrapped in clay and fat and covered with red ochre, amuletic, from North West Australia, 1880-1920 Mourning ornament consisting of human hair wrapped in clay and fat and covered with red ochre 1880-1920
Piece of mineral earth in envelope, presented by the Field Museum of Chicago, probably from Afghanistan, 1900-1930 Piece of mineral earth in envelope 1900-1930
Pieces of mineral in envelope, presented by Field Museum of Chicago, probably from Afghanistan, 1900-1930 Pieces of mineral in envelope 1900-1930
Earthenware bowl, partly filled with earth in which are embedded an animal's skull, gourd container, sticks, and shells to protect animals against sickness, Togoland, West Africa, 1880-1920 Earthenware bowl 1880-1920