Cine-Kodak Outfit 923 Kodascope Projector. Cine projector for 16mm silent film. Projection lens F: 2 inches focussed by eccentric. Double shutters counter rotating. Claw intermittent, 2 continuous sprocket. Framing by double gate mask. Electric motor drive 90/100v 50cps, 1/100HP No.748786 by Robbins and Myers Company of Springfield, Ohio. Rheostat control ammeter calibrated to 5 amps. Hand rewind. Elevating screw foot. Serial No.02677. Eastman Kodak Company. Cine-Kodak Outfit 923 Kodascope Projector 1923
Urban-Joy 'Spirograph', 16mm home projector by H W Joy, manufactured by Urban Motion Picture Industries, Inc, 1923. Urban-Joy 'Spirograph' 16mm home projector 1923