Wax male showing venous system and some organs, in case, Italian, 1776-1780 Wax male figure showing the veins and some organs of the body 1776-1780
Case for Wax male anatomical figure, showing deep muscles and skeleton, in case, Italian, 1776-1780 Case for Wax male figure showing the muscles and bones of the body, Florence, Italy, 1776-1780 1776-1780
Case for Wax male showing venous system and some organs, in case, Italian, 1776-1780 Case for wax male figure 1776-1780
Case for wax male figure, showing arterial system, Italian, 1776-1780 Case for wax figure showing the arteries of the body 1776-1780
Wax male showing venous system and some organs, in case, Italian, 1776-1780 Wax male figure showing the veins and some organs of the body 1776-1780
Small screwn from case for wax male anatomical figure, showing deep muscles and skeleton, Italian, 1776-1780 Part of wax male figure showing the muscles and bones of the body, Florence, Italy, 1776-1780 1776-1780
Fragment from case for wax male anatomical figure, showing deep muscles and skeleton, Italian, 1776-1780 Part of wax male figure showing the muscles and bones of the body, Florence, Italy, 1776-1780 1776-1780
Two fragmenst from the case for a wax figure showing arterial system, Italian, 1776-1780 Wax male figure showing the arteries of the body, in case 1776-1780