Wax head of woman in black bonnet, aged about 70, full size, 1925-1960 Wax head of woman in black bonnet 1925-1960
Wax head of silver haired man, about 55, probably Dr. Lymgin, full size, 1925-1960 Wax head of silver haired man 1925-1960
Wax head portraying Rabelais, as a balding middle-aged man with long beard and moustache, presumably made of an exhibition, French, 1851-1900 Wax head portraying Rabelais 1851-1900
Shrunken head, with long hair, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador Shrunken heads, South America, 19th century 1801-1900
Waxwork of male baby wrapped in swaddling, full size, 1925-1960 Waxwork of male baby wrapped in swaddling 1925-1960