Worm Flannelgraph, consisting of 6 sheets of illustrated cloth to cut out and detailed instructions to help explain the harmful effects as well as the prevention of parasitic worm infections, for health education use in Africa, by TALC (Teaching Aids at Low Cost), St. Albans, England, 1992 Worm Flannelgraph, 1992
Celluloid dressing with instructions by Robert Whitelaw, Scottish, late 19th to early 20th century Celluloid dressing with instructions by Robert Whitelaw 1871-1930
Dumas type springless plastic contraceptive cap with instruction leaflet, by Portland Plastics Ltd., Bassett House, Hythe, Kent, 1960s Dumas type springless plastic contraceptive cap with instruction leaflet 1960-1970
Instructions for nasal spray for use with "Delta-Fenox", by Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd., English, 1950-1970 Instructions for nasal spray for use with "Delta-Fenox" 1950-1970