Engineer's nameplate from the British cruiser Iphigenia, 1890-1894, sunk as blockship in Zeebrugge raid, 1918, from her engine Engineer's nameplate from the British cruiser Iphigenia 1890-1894
Papier-mache phantom, for practising eye operations, Waldans' type, 19th century Papier-mache phantom
Roth-Draeger oxygen and chloroform anaesthetic apparatus, invented by Dr. Roth (Lubeck) in 1902 and manufactured by Draeger, 1902-1920 Roth-Draeger oxygen and chloroform anaesthetic apparatus 1902-1920
Electrocardiograph by the Cambridge Instrument Co., Cambridge, England, 1930, used by the British Royal Hospital, 1930-1964 Electrocardiograph by the Cambridge Instrument Co. 1930
Meat mincer, used by Prof. Farabeuf, made of cast iron, steel and brass, horn handle, wooden feet, by Collin and Co, 6 rue de l'Ecole-de-Medecine, Paris, France, 1870-1905. Meat mincer 1870-1905
Cast iron pill cutter, central shaft presses preparation into mould, European, 1851-1900 Cast iron pill cutter 1851-1900
Cast iron head of Buddha broken from larger statue, perhaps Indian, 1801-1900 Cast iron head of Buddha, 1801-1900 1801-1900