Copy of solution pan as used in Lister Ward, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 1860-1869, original by Andrew Brown, Glasgow, made for Lister Centenary exhibition, 1927 Copy of solution pan as used in Lister Ward 1925-1927
Copy of soiled dressings pan as used in Lister Ward, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 1860-1869, original by Andrew Brown, Glasgow, made for Lister Centenary Exhibition, 1927 Copy of soiled dressings pan as used in Lister Ward 1925-1927
Powder spray consisting of metal conatiner and leather bellows, for Parris Green, made by Sindicato Agricolo, Italy, 1920-1930, used 1928-1929 for anti-malarial work in the Pontine Marshes Powder spray for Parris Green 1920-1930
Two arm splints, soldered wire frame, oval, probably British military issue, 1914-1918 Two arm splints 1914-1918
Copy of surgical instrument tray as used in Lister Ward, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 1860-1869, original by Andrew Brown, Glasgow, made for Lister Centenary exhibition, 1927 Copy of surgical instrument tray as used in Lister Ward 1925-1927
Bottle of green pills by Sultan Drug Co. of St. Louis, from Tyler's of Kensington Bottle of green pills by Sultan Drug Co. of St. Louis
Model of furnace, tinplate, with label of Watkins and Hill, European, 1851-1900 Model of furnace 1851-1900