Earthenware drug jar with metal label, with transfer illustration of Durham and two ram's head lug handles, by Davenport, English 1820-1860 Earthenware drug jar with metal label 1820-1860
Earthenware drug jar with metal label, lug handles, and transfer decoration, by Davenport, English, 1820-1860 Earthenware drug jar with metal label 1820-1860
Earthenware drug jar with metal label, two ram's head lug handles, black and white transfer, by Davenport, English 1820-1860 Earthenware drug jar with metal label 1820-1860
Earthenware drug jar with 2 ram's head handles, green-black on white transfer decoration, by Davenport, English, 1820-1860 Earthenware drug jar with 2 ram's head handles 1820-1860
Earthenware jar with metal label, black on white transfer decoration, 2 ram's heads lug handles, by Davenport, English, 1820-1860 Earthenware jar with metal label 1820-1860
Earthenware drug jar, with lug handles in the form of rams' heads, black on white transfer decoration, metal label bearing the name "Tenac" by Davenport, English 1820 to 1860 Earthenware drug jar 1820-1860
7 pink earthenware drug jars, some with original contents, English, late 19th, early 20th century 7 pink earthenware drug jars
Earthenware drug jar, with corroded metal label, no lid, and black transfer pattern, by Davenport, English 1820-1860 Earthenware drug jar 1820-1860
Earthenware drug jar with metal label, badly misfired, very dark, by Davenport, English 1820-1860 Earthenware drug jar with metal label 1820-1860
Earthenware drug jar, with lug handles in the form of ram's heads, black transfer on white ground, metal label bearing contents "Sambuco", by Davenport, English, 1820 to 1860 Earthenware drug jar 1820-1860
Earthenware drug jar with metal label on neck, two ram's head lug handles, black on white transfer decoration, metal label with drug name, English, 1820-1860 Earthenware drug jar with metal label on neck 1820-1860
Large drug jar for tartaric acid, smashed, from Bell's shop, c.1800 Large drug jar for tartaric acid 1700-1850