Late C19 magnetic induction machine with elaborate decoration and on marble base for demonstration or therapeutic purposes, by Bourne and Taylor Late C19 magnetic induction machine with elaborate decoration 1850-1900
Wheel turned dynamo, on wooden base large horseshoe magnet, double coil and commutator, probably English, 1880-1910 Wheel turned dynamo 1880-1910
Electromagnetic machine, with cover, wood with metal fittings, European, first half of 19th century Electromagnetic machine 1801-1850
Hand-cranked electrotherapy apparatus with Clarke-type magneto, by Appareil Gaiffe at Paris, in fine mahogany case, owned by Dr. P.F. Gachet, French, 1859. Complete set with 7 electrodes (two flat ovoid plates, one sponge-holder, one brush, one rectal, two button-shaped attachments) and two wires to connect electrodes to apparatus. Hand-cranked electrotherapy apparatus with Clarke-type magneto 1859