Tall glass dispensing bottle of 3 grain Prominal tablets (methylphenobarbital). 118 mm x 45 mm x 30 mm, 154g. Supplied by Bayer, dispensed Savory and Moore, made in England, 1940-1952. Bottle of Prominal tablets 1940-1952
Glass bottle with bakelite lid for 100 'Prominal' tablets (methylphenobarbital), with approximately 20 tablets remaining. 57 mm x 30 mm x 18 mm, 28g. Made by Bayer, from Savory and Moore, English, 1940-1960. Bottle of Prominal tablets 1940-1960
Bottle of Prominal tablets, (methylphenobarbital) around half full, with cotton wool inside bottle. For the treatment of anxiety, tension and apprehension, also used as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy. Height 95 mm; diameter 40 mm, weight 86g. Inscribed: TABLETS/ of approx / gr. 3 (0.2g.)/Trade Mark `Prominal' Brand/ Methalonyl/... POISON/BAYER PRODUCTS LTD./Africa House, Kingsway/London W.C.2/made in England. Made by Bayer Products Limited , Africa House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Originating from Savory and Moore. English, 1940-1970. Bottle of 'Prominal' tablets 1940-1960
Tin canister of 100 gr. 1 Prominal tablets (methylphenobarbital). 62 mm x 27 mm diameter, 19 g. By Bayer, From Savory and Moore, English, 1940-1960. Canister of Prominal tablets 1940-1960