On Display
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Clear glass shop round for liquid morphine, United States, 1862-1863


Ammonium Chloride and morphine mixture


Phial of Morphine and Chloroform Tincture


Leatherette injection kit


2 litre bottle of Sedative Bismuth Mixture


Ribbed green glass poison bottle with glass stopper of Tincture of Morphine and Chloroform


Bottle of the opiate painkiller 'Papine'


Rounded glass bottle with glass stopper and pink-chamois covering containing Dr. J. Collis Browne's patented Chlorodyne (morphine, chloroform and cannabis). Label reads, 'Dr. J. Collis Browne's/ CHLORODYNE/ An Invaluable Remedy in Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis/ Croup, Fever, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, &c.' Dispensed by J.T. Davenport, English, 1850-1890.

Bottle of J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne


Square glass bottle with cut-glass stopper approximately containing of 'Dover's Powder' (ipecacuanha, opium, and morphine). 57 mm x 37 mm x 37 mm.

Dover Powder


Rectangular glass bottle with glass stopper approximately half-full of Chlorodyne (morphine and chloroform). 105 mm x 25 mm x 33 mm, 111g. Unknown maker, English, c1870.

Bottle of Chlorodyne


Clear glass shop round with glass stopper for tincture of morphine with ipecacuanha, with some dried traces remaining. 195 mm x 55 mm diameter, 406g. English, late 19th century

Shop round for tincture of morphine and ipecac


Glass bottle of 'Indigestion Mixture' with bakelite lid, containing sodium bicarbonate, rhubarb, chloroform and morphine. 171 mm x 66 mm x 34 mm, 236 g. Printed label reads, '.../INDIGESTION/MIXTURE/An invaluable preparation for disorders of the/ Stomach and Digestion.../SAVORY & MOORE LTD./Chemists to the King/LONDON. W.1' Manufactured by Savory and Moore Ltd., English, 1910-1936.

Bottle of 'Indigestion Mixture'


Amber glass bottle with cork stopper of "Valibrom Compound Elixir" (contains chloralformamamide, potassium bromide and morphine). 181 mm x 59 mm x 37 mm, 416 g. Advertised on the label as a 'Harmless Sedative and Hypnotic'. By the British Drug Houses, London, 1940-1970.

Bottle of Elixir Valibrom


Large glass drug jar with glass lid for Liquorice and Chlorodyne (morphine and chloroform) pastilles, with traces remaining. 160 mm x 115 mm diameter. Unknown maker, English, late nineteenth century.

Glass drug jar with glass lid for Liquorice and Chlorodyne (morphine and chloroform) pastilles


Glass bottle for chalk and morphine tincture, with trace elements. Measures 240 mm height, x 78 mm diameter, 410g. Inscribed on paper label, printed 'TR CHALK [...]MORPH/N.F. TYLER, .../87 ABINGDON ROAD, KENSINGTON, W.8/...'. From N. F. Tyler's Chemist's Shop, 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington, London, W8, England.

Bottle of morphine tincture


Cork-stoppered glass bottle of Dakin's Chlorodyne (Chloroform, Capsicum, Alcohol, Morphine and Atropine) in original carton. 90 mm x 24 mm x 23 mm, 49g. Manufactured by Wright, Layman & Umney Ltd., London, 1920-1940.

Bottle of Dakin's Chlorodyne


Amber glass bottle with cork stopper one-third full of 'Anodyne Pine Expectorant'. 203 mm x 72 mm diameter, 418 g. Made by Parke, Davis and Co., London, early twentieth century.

Bottle of Anodyne Pine Expectorant


Glass bottle with glass stopper and chamois covering full of Collis-Browne's Chlorodyne. 87 mm x 30 mm x 17 mm, 71g. Dispensed by Williams and Elvey Chemists, London, nineteenth century.

Bottle of Collis Browne's Chlorodyne


Glass shop round with faceted glass stopper of Tincture of Chlorodyne lozenges (Tincture of Morphine and Chloroform). 204 mm x 76 mm diameter, 566 g. Unknown maker, English, late 19th century

Shop round of Chlorodyne Lozenges


Amber glass bottle with glass stopper half-full of Aromatic Bismuth and Pepsine liquid (MIST. BISMUTH AROM. c. PEPSINO). 224 mm x 77 mm diameter, 725 g. Used as an anti-dyspeptic, ingredients include bismith, pepsine, chloroform, morphine, and nux vomica (strychnine). Gale, Baiss and Co., London, 1930-1970.

Bottle of Aromatic Bismuth and Pepsin


Glass phial with cork stopper and chamois covering of Tabloid brand Paregoric pills (Camphorated Tincture of Opium). 110 mm x 15 mm diameter, 25 g. By Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1890.

Phial of Paregoric tablets


Small bottle for morphia (morphine) bottle with ground glass stopper in wooden case with traces remaining. 78 mm x 22 mm diameter, 22 g. Unknown maker, possibly English, 1851 to 1920.

Bottle for morphia in a wooden case


Glass phial for 'Morphia' (morphine) with traces remaining. 93 mm long, 13 g. Engraved label reads, 'Morphia'. From Michael Faraday's chemical chest, unknown maker, English, c. 1820.

Glass phial for 'Morphia' (morphine) with traces remaining. 93 mm long


Leather hypodermic syringe kit with purple silk and velvet lining, containing three four opaque glass phials for atropine, ergotine, pilocarpine and morphia, with trace contents, needles and syringe missing. Case: 24 mm x 84 mm x 87 mm; Phials: 69 mm x 13 mm diameter. Made by S. Maw Son & Thompson, English, 1870-1905.

Syringe kit with 4 phials


Small glass bottle with bakelite lid, with battered box, of Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne (Morphine, Chloroform, Codeine, Peppermint, Capsicum). 80 mm x 26 mm x 26 mm, 44 g. Manufactured by J.T. Davenport Ltd., London, 1930-1955.

Bottle of Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne


Wooden chest specially made to hold 50 stoppered glass phials of tablets, 1 missing. Chest: 127 mm x 233 mm x 127 mm; Phials: 103 mm x 15 mm diameter. Substances within phials include aspirin, quinine, rhubarb, tannic acid, mercurous chloride, morphine, Dover's Powder (ipecac and opium), ipecacuanha and phenazone. Unknown maker, for military use, German, 1900-1918.

Wooden chest for 50 phials of drugs


Hypodermic syringe, glass and silver, in leatherette case, with 2 needles and 2 glass bottles with ground stoppers containing traces of Ergotin and Morphine, respectively. Overall: 42 mm x 118 mm x 22 mm, 62 g. By C. Wright and Co., 108 New Bond Street, London, England, 1871-1910.

Case for syringes with phials


Metal tin of "Tabloid" brand Linseed, Liquorice and Chlorodyne (chloroform and morphine) pastilles, with contents. 87mm x 67 mm x 26 mm. Made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1900-1930.

Tin of Tabloid Linseed, Liquorice and Chlorodyne pastilles


Round glass bottle with glass stopper full of liquid morphine (Liq. Morphia.) 123 mm x 32 mm diameter, 138g. Unknown maker, English, 19th century

Round bottle of liquid morphine


Clear glass shop round containing Chlorodyne lozenges (Tincture of Morphine and Chloroform). 186 mm x 74 mm diameter, 384 g. Unknown maker, English, late 19th century.

Shop round of Chlorodyne lozenges


Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for Dr. J. Collis Browne's patented Chlorodyne (morphine and chloroform), dispensed by J.T. Davenport, London, England, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Square bottle, for Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland


Amber glass bottle with cork stopper approximately one-third full of 'Linctus Tussi Rubrum' cough linctus ( chlorodyne and hydrobromidic acid). 140 mm x 49 mm diameter, 212 g. Made by Corby, Stacey and Co. Ltd., English, 1890-1930.

Bottle of Linctus tussi Rubrum


Pocket dispensary with metal tabs for various drugs (including morphine and opium), tinned steel, with traces remaining. 67 mm x 87 mm x 17 mm, 116 g. Unknown maker, English, 1880-1920.

Tin steel pocket dispendary
