Glass phial with cork stopper of 25 1/4 gr. Morphine Sulphate hypodermic tablets. 45 mm long, 2g. Dispensed by Clay & Abraham, Ltd. Chemists, Liverpool, Manufactured by Parke, Davis and Co., London, 1890-1930. Glass phial of morphine sulphate tablets 1890-1930
Stainless steel tin for the storage of hypodermic tablet phials. Containing two hypodermic tablet phials of morphine sulphate, and one hypodermic tablet phial of hyoscine hydrobromide. Tin measures overall: height 22 mm x width 99 mm x depth 68 mm, weight 128.4g. Morphine Sulphate phials inscribed: 'No. 3 POISON D.D.A./ .../ Morphine Sulphate / gr. 1/4 / .../BURROUGHS WELLCOME & CO. LONDON (ENG)/ ...'. Phials made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, case by unknown maker . English, 1930. Stainless steel tin, containing two hypodermic tablet phials of morphine sulphate, and one hypodermic tablet phial of hyoscine hydrobromide 1930
Small glass phial with cork stopper of morphine sulphate hypodermic tablets. 74 mm long, 1g. Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1890-1930. Glass phial of morphine sulphate tablets 1890-1930
Yellow glass tube with cork stopper for Morphine Sulphate hypodermic tablets, 1/8 grain, with trace remaining. 70 mm x 5.5 mm 1g. Parke, Davis and Co., American, 1885-1920. Glass phial for morphine sulphate 1885-1920
Engraved pocket syringe kit inside cotton draw-string pouch, containing a syringe and 7 glass phials of hypodermic tablets (morphine and atropine, morphine sulphate, atropine, cocaine, strychnine). Parke Davis & Co., English, c. 1930. Engraved pocket syringe kit inside cotton draw-string pouch 1930
Hypodermic syringe, glass and silver plated brass, in aluminium case, with syringe cleaner and two glass tubes with cork stoppers for Strychnine sulphate and Morphine and Atropine Sulphate (compound) tablets. Case by Allen and Hanburys, London, 1890-1910. Medicaments by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London. Case for syringe with phials 1890-1910
Glass bottle of morphine sulphate hypodermic tablets with metal lid, with powdered trace contents. Height 70 mm x diameter 40 mm. Inscribed: '100 / Hypodermic / tablets/Morphine Sulphate/ br. 1/16 / POISON/ .../THE BRITISH DRUG HOUSES LTD./ LONDON/.../30 MAY 1941'. Made by British Drug Houses Ltd., London. English, 1941. Bottle of morphine sulphate hypodermic tablets 1941
Glass phial with cork stopper full of 1/4 gr. morphia sulphate hypodermic tablets. 47 mm x 7 mm diameter, 1.5 g. Produced by Duncan, Flockhart and Co., London adn Edinburgh, late nineteenth or early twentieth century. Phial of morphine sulphate hypodermic tablets