Magazine cine Kodak Eight camera (model 90) with original leather carrying case made by Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York, USA, serial no. 29666, model introduced in 1940 Magazine cine Kodak Eight camera and case 1940
Model 88 Revere 8mm. cine camera in leather case made by Revere Camera Company, Chicago, USA, c. 1950 Model 88 Revere 8mm. cine camera in leather case made by Revere Camera Company
Siemens B 16mm Cine Camera by Siemens and Halske AG, c. 1932 with part of card packaging. With Busch-Glaukar anastigmat lens, f2.8, 2cm, serial no. 348801. Siemens B 16mm Cine Camera by Siemens and Halske AG 1932
G.B.- Bell and Howell 16mm cine camera, autoload model 603T no.T21201; fitted with Taylor Taylor and Hobson Ltd. 2 inch f3.5 Telecinic lens no.478366, and Taylor Taylor and Hobson Ltd. 1 inch f1.9 Serital lens no.494605 in twin lens turret, all in fitted leather case, exposure calculator mounted on side, c. 1957 G.B.- Bell and Howell 16mm cine camera
Kodascope Model "B" cine projector for 16mm. film made by Eastman Kodak Co, Rochester, New York, United States, with variable resistor. With separate transformer power supply unit. c.1930. Kodascope Model "B" Cine Projector 1930
A Morigraf 35mm cine camera serial no. 239 by L. Maurice, 1 Rue De Marivaux, Paris; with 25mm, 50mm, 75mm, and 150mm Foyer Apochromat Kinoptik lenses and film magazine, all in fitted box, c. 1935 A Morigraf 35mm cine camera serial no. 239 by L. Maurice