3 strips of later fusees, nitre soaked cardboard with phosphorus blobs on the ends, English, 1840-1889, later type of fusee since the phosphorus has not been applied by equilateral dipping of the strip but by the application of a single blob of phosphorus covering nothing like the entire surface at the end of the match, a feature of the older fusees 3 strips of later fusees 1840-1880
One Vesuvian match, slender cylindrical stick covered in cotton braid and glue, large oval shaped head of sawdust nitre, powdered charcoal and bark, phosphorus tip, English, 1855-1900 One Vesuvian match 1855-1900
Envelope containing strip of fusee matches, amadou fungus oblong strip divided into ten individual matches but joined at the base, phosphorus blobs at tip, made in Berlin, East Germany, 1832-1860 Envelope containing strip of fusee matches 1832-1860
Three strips of fusees, 25 per strip, cut into separate heads and stems, but all joined at base, by Compania de Cerillas Y Tosforos, Spanish, 1892-1900 Three strips of fusees 1892-1900
Seven fusees, in two strips, one of four matches, one of three, flat cardboard divided strips, nitre soaked phosphorus tipped, by Hynam, English, 1832-1880 Seven fusees 1832-1880