Vertical repeating circle with stand of 8-inch diameter, with diagonal telescope and case (no key), by Troughton and Simms [RAS No. 39, Sheepshank No.13]. Presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1857 by Miss Anne Sheepshanks sister of the Rev. Richard Sheepshanks. Vertical repeating circle with stand of 8-inch diameter 1824-1855
Hassler's reflecting circle, 11-inch diameter with counterpoise stand, by Troughton, London in case, no key [RAS No.43, Sheepshanks No.17]. Presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1857 by Miss Anne Sheepshanks sister of Rev. Richard Sheepshanks. Hassler type reflecting circle with case. 1790-1826
Baker refracting telescope of 1 3/16- inch aperture and 18 inch focal length by J. Sisson, London, on an adjustable equatorial mounting with a flat base stand and wooden case [RAS No.20]. Presented to the Royal Astronomical Society around 1869 by Baker? Refracting telescope on equatorial stand, 1749-1783 1760-1783
Meade LX200 computer controlled Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope, 8-inch aperture with equatorial fork mounting and adjustable tripod stand. Computer controlled Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope with mounting, 1997 1997
Pair of Galilean binoculars, British Army Mark V type, with a fixed inter-ocular distance of 2 7/16", in service case inscribed CAPN POMFRET 3HRS 1911, by Ross Limited, London, 1911 Galilean binoculars, British Army Mark V type 1911
Refracting telescope of 3 1/4-inch aperture and 45-inch focal length by William Simms, London with later finder, three eyepieces and eyepiece collar in fitted case, missing one eyepiece and equatorial mounting (RAS No.30, Sheepshanks No.4). Presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1857 by Miss Ann Sheepshanks sister of the Rev. Sheepshanks. Later given in 1957 to the British Astronomical Association. Refracting telescope of 3 1/4-inch aperture and 45-inch focal length, and components 1821-1826
Refracting telescope of 1 1/2-inch aperture and 36-inch focal length by John Smeaton on an adjustable equatorial mounting with a tripod stand. The telescope is fitted with an integral filar micrometer [RAS No.7] . Presented to Royal Astronomical Society in 1845 by Mrs Somerville to whom it was left by Mrs Dixon, Smeaton's daughter. Refracting telescope of 1 1/2-inch aperture and 36-inch focal length 1770
Refracting telescope of 1 1/2-inch aperture and 15-inch focal length by W. & S. Jones, London, on an adjustable equatorial mounting with wooden case. Accessories include 3 dark glass filters, 4 reading eyepieces for the scales, a diagonal and a spirit lamp with stand [RAS No.136]. Presented to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1899 by Miss Moore. Refracting telescope of 1 1/2-inch aperture and 15-inch focal length by W. & S. Jones 1825-1859
Lieberman & Gortz 7x50 binoculars, marked `Sub Pat', grey stove enamel finish, in case Lieberman & Gortz 7x50 binoculars 1950-1969