Object type
Glass bottle for 50 Donnatal tablets, (belladonna herb prepared with phenobarbitone and atropine), with approximately half remaining. 55 mm x 31 mm x 21 mm, 33g. Produced by A.H. Robins, English, 1950-1980.

Oblong glass bottle with screw lid for 50 Donnatal tablets, with approximately half remaining. 55 mm x 31 mm x 21 mm


Glass bottle of 50 Donnatal tablets (belladonna herb prepared with atropine and phenobarbitone). 55 mm x 31 mm x 21 mm, 37g. Produced by A.H. Robins, English, 1950-1980.

Oblong glass bottle with cut plastic sealed plastic screw lid of 50 Donnatal tablets. 55 mm x 33 mm x 22 mm


Green glass poison bottle, ribbed, of Phenobarbitone Sodium powder, with traces remaining and bakelite lid. 110 mm x 59 mm diameter, 197 g. By Savory and Moore Ltd., Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England, 1955-1970.

Glass poison bottle of Phenobarbitone sodium


Aluminium canister - labelled with: ‘Spansule is a Trademark’ – of 1½ gr. ‘Spansule’ Phenobarbitone capsules, by Smith Kline and French Laboratories Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, 1960-1968

Canister - labelled with: ‘Spansule is a Trademark’ – of 1½ gr. Phenobarbitone capsules


Glass bottle, unopened, with plastic screw lid, containing 30 Nulepsi tablets (Phenobarbitone; Hysocine; Stramonium; Valerian), by Coates and Cooper Ltd., Pyramid Works, Pyramid Works, West Drayton, Middlesex, England, 1940-1970

Glass bottle, containing 30 Nulepsi tablets: Phenobarbitone; Hysocine; Stramonium; Valerian

Glass dispensing bottle with bakelite lid of 25 "Sedovas" capsules (glycerine trinitrate, phenobarbital, niacin). 60 mm x 30 mm x 22 mm, 33 g. Produced by Clay and Abraham Ltd., Liverpool, 1930-1960. From John Bell Pharmacy.

Bottle of Sedovas capsules


Glass bottle with bakelite lid of 50 Parabal tablets (phenobarbitone sodium), medical sample. 80 mm x 40 mm x 23 mm, 83g. Produced by West Pharmaceutical Co., English, 1960-1985.

Bottle of Parabal tablets


Carton of 6 dry amoules of "Luminal sodium" (phenobarbitone). 91 mm x 64 mm x 18 mm, 36 g. Made by Bayer Products Company, English, 1955-1970.

Carton of 6 dry amoules of "Luminal sodium" (phenobarbitone). 91 mm x 64 mm x 18 mm


Glass bottle with bakelite lid of 1 gr. Phenobarbitone sodium tablets. 81 mm x 41 mm x 22 mm, 84 g. Produced by Savory & Moore Ltd., Tottenham, English, 1940-1950.

Bottle of Phenobarbitone sodium tablets


500ml glass bottlehalf-full of Donnatal elixir (phenobarbitone, hyoscyamine, atropine and alcohol). 190 mm x 75 mm diameter, 657 g. Made by A.H. Robins, English, 1950-1980.

500ml glass bottle, half-full of Donnatal elixir. 190 mm x 75 mm diameter


Plastic container for 500 Epanutin with Phenobarbitone capsules (phenytoin sodium and phenobarbital), approx. 50 remaining. 117 mm x 60 mm diameter, 58 g. Produced by Parke Davis, Wales, 1970-1985.

Epanutin with Phenobarbitone capsules (phenytoin sodium and phenobarbital)


Amber glass bottle with bakelite lid half-full of phenobarbital spansules. 123 mm x 47 mm x 27 mm, 124g. Handwritten label is placed over an older one indicating the bottle has been reused. Dispensed by Philip Harris Ltd., Birmingham, English, c. 1947.

Amber glass bottle with bakelite lid half-full of phenobarbital spansules, with handwritten label is placed over an older one indicating the bottle has been reused


Glass bottle of 50 Donnatal tablets (belladonna herb prepared with phenobarbitone and atropine sulphate). 55 mm x 33 mm x 22 mm, 38g. Produced by A.H. Robins, English, 1950-1980.

Oblong glass bottle with cut plastic sealed plastic screw lid of 50 Donnatal tablets. 55 mm x 33 mm x 22 mm


Glass bottle without cap full of 4 fluid ounces of 'Liquid Bardase' (phenobarbital, hyoscine and atropine). 133 mm x 48 mm diameter, 257 g. Supplied by Parke,Davis and Co., English, 1940-1970.

Bottle of 'Liquid Bardase'


Unopened glass bottle of 50 Donnatal tablets (belladonna herb prepared with atropine and phenobarbital). 85 mm x 32 mm x 21 mm, 39g. Manufactured by A.H. Robins, English, 1950-1980.

Unopened glass bottle of 50 Donnatal tablets (belladonna herb prepared with atropine and phenobarbital)


Glass dispensing bottle of 40 mg. phenobarbital and belladonna tablets. 75 mm x 37 mm x 25 mm, 76 g. Produced by Eli Lilly, from Savory and Moore, Basingstoke, 1940-1960.

Dispensing bottle of Phenobarbitone and Belladonna tablets


Blue phenobarbitone 1 gr. 'spanules' in original round carton. 19 mm x 41 mm diameter, 5g. Supplied by Savory and Moore Ltd., London, early twentieth century.

Carton of Phenobarbitone spanules


Glass bottle with bakelite lid of 4 oz. of Liquid Bardase (phenobarbital, hyoscine, atropine). 125 mm x 40 mm diameter, 231 g. Produced by Parke, Davis and Co. Ltd., English, 1940-1970.

Bottle of liquid Bardase


Blue glass bottle with cork stopper of soluble Phenobarbitone Sodium powder, half-full. 108 mm x 42 mm diameter, 95g. Produced by Martindale Samoore Ltd., London, 1950-1965.

Bottle of Phenobarbitone Sodium powder


Glass bottle – label annotated with: ‘D152’ - of Phenobarbitone tablets with bakelite lid, by Martindale Samoore Ltd., London, England, 1963-1967

Glass bottle – label annotated with: ‘D152’ - of Phenobarbitone tablets with bakelite lid


Square glass bottle for 100 Pro-Banthine with Phenobarbitone tablets (phenobarbital and propantheline bromide) with approximately 30 tablets remaining. 60 mm x 25 mm x 25 mm, 41g. Prepared by G D Searle & Company Limited, High Wycombe, England, 1953-1970. Dispensed from Savory and Moore.

Bottle of pro-banthine with phenobarbitone tablets


Canister of Spanule brand 1.5 g phenobarbitone capsules. 49 mm x 32 mm, 10 g. Manufactured by Smith, Kline and French Ltd., Coldharbour Lane, London, SE5, England, 1955-1970.

Canister of Phenobarbitone capsules


Glass bottle – label annotated with: ‘D156’ - of Phenobarbitone tablets with bakelite lid, by Martindale Samoore Ltd., London, England, 1963-1967

Glass bottle – label annotated with: ‘D156’ - of Phenobarbitone tablets with bakelite lid


Bottle with bakelite lid of 50 Tedral tablets (theophylline, ephedrine and phenobarbital). 60 mm x 37 mm diameter, 67 g. Manufactured by Warner, English, 1970-1985.

Bottle with bakelite lid of 50 Tedral tablets


Glass bottle with bakelite lid of 1 gr. Phenobarbitone sodium tablets. 92 mm x 47 mm diameter, 137 g. Supplied by Savory and Moore, London, 1940-1950.

Glass bottle of Phenobarbitone sodium tablets


Tin-plated canister of Phenobarbitone and Theobromine tablets. 84 mm x 55 mm diameter, 140 g. From Savory and Moore's shop, by Martindale Samoore, London, 1951-1970.

Canister of Phenobarbitone and Theobromine tablets


Glass bottle with bakelite lid fo 250 tablets of 100mg of Phenobarbitone B.P. 83 mm x 45 mm diameter, 151 g. Although printed label indicates each tablet is 125 mg, this is crossed out in pen and re-labeleld 100 mg. Manufactured by British Drug Houses, London, 1960-1985.

Glass bottle of 250 tablets of 100mg of Phenobarbitone B.P


Canister of 'Neutraphylline' tablets (containing phenobarbital), some tablets remaining. height 19 mm; width 78 mm; depth 19 mm; weight 10g. Made by Continental Laboratories, 101 Great Russell Street, London, WC1, England. English, 1950-1970.

Canister of Neutraphylline with Phenobarbital, with carton


Glass bottle with tin top of Phenobarbitone tablets, 30 mg. 100 mm x 37 mm x 54 mm, 169 g. By Macarthys, from Savory and Moore, English, c.1940-1970.

Glass bottle of Phenobarbitone tablets


Glass bottle with metal lid of 150 ml of Tedral suspension (ephedrine sulphate, theophylline and phenobarbital). 130 mm x 50 mm diameter, 319 g. Manufactured by Warner, English, expires 1976.

Glass bottle with metal lid of 150 ml of Tedral suspension


Ribbed glass bottle one-quarter full of Phenobarbitonum (phenobarbital) powder. 87 mm x 50 mm diameter, 122 g. Produced by the British Drug Houses, English, 1950-1979.

Glass bottle one-quarter full of Phenobarbitonum (phenobarbital) powder


Glass bottle with bakelite lid of Phenobarbitone Sodium gr. 1/2 tablets, approximately 20 remaining. 68 mm x 42 mm diameter, 73 g. Dispensed by W. Harely Greaves Ltd., Bournemouth, 1950-1979.

Glass bottle of Phenobarbitone Sodium gr. 1/2 tablets


Glass bottle with bakelite lid of 50 Parabal tablets (phenobarbitone sodium), medical sample. 80 mm x 40 mm x 23 mm, 83g. Produced by West Pharmaceutical Co., English, 1960-1985.

Bottle of Parabal tablets


Injection kit with syringe (in tin case), 8 glass phials with cork stoppers and 4 glass ampoules of substances such as adrenaline, butobaritone and phenobarbitone. 25 mm x 150 mm x 95 mm, 291g. Manufactured by May & Baker Ltd., English, first half 20th century.

Leather covered injection kit with syringe (in tin case), 8 glass phials with cork stoppers and 4 glass ampoules of substances such as adrenaline, butobaritone and phenobarbiton


Bottle of "NULEPSI" pills (phenobarbital) originally containing 30 pills, with around half remaining. height 60 mm x width 31 mm x depth 20 mm, weight 34g. Inscribed: 'NULEPSI/ .../ 30 PILLS/ SEDATIVE and ANTI-SPASMODIC/ FORMULA - Each pill contains:/ Phenobarbitonum ... 0.005 gm./ Hyoscin. Hydrobrom. 0.000025 gm./ Ext. Stramon. ... ... 0.000025 gm./ Ext Cascarae. / Sagradae. Siccum. 0.10 gm./ Ext. Valerianae. 0.04 gm. / POISON/ .../ Manufactured by/ COATES & COOPER LTD./ PYRAMID WORKS,/ WEST DRAYTON - ENGLAND.'. Manufactured by Coates and Cooper Limited at the Pyramid Works, West Drayton, Hillingdon, London. English, 1955-1970.

Bottle of Nulepsi sedative and anti-spasmodic pills


Glass bottle with bakelite lid for 250 Belladonna and Phenobarbitone tablets, with approximately 9 tablets remaining. 84 mm x 44 mm x 24 mm, 63 g. Supplied by Savory and Moore, Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England, 1940-1970.

Bottle of Belladonna and Phenobarbitone tablets


Green glass poison bottle of Phenobarbitone powder. 65 mm x 40 mm, 88 g. Produced by Savory and Moore Ltd., Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England, 1955-1965.

Poison bottle of Phenobarbitone powder


Aluminium canister - labelled with: ‘Spansule brand’ – of 1½ gr. ‘Spansule’ Phenobarbitone capsules, by Smith Kline and French Laboratories Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, 1960-1968

Canister - labelled with: ‘Spansule brand’ – of 1½ gr. Phenobarbitone capsules


Glass bottle, unopened, each with plastic screw lid, containing 30 Nulepsi tablets (Phenobarbitone; Hysocine; Stramonium; Valerian), by Coates and Cooper Ltd., Pyramid Works, Pyramid Works, West Drayton, Middlesex, England, 1940-1970

Glass bottle, containing 30 Nulepsi tablets: Phenobarbitone; Hysocine; Stramonium; Valerian


Cardboard tube of 1,000 Phenobarbitone Sodium 30 mg. tablets with plastic lid. 80 mm x 50 mm diameter, 662 g. Made by W.B. Cartwright Ltd., Leeds, 1950-1980.

Carton of Phenobarbitone Sodium tablets


Glass bottle of Donnatal L.A. tablets, (phenobarbitone, hyosycamine sulphate, atropine sulphate, hyoscine hydrobromide), with some tablets remaining. overall: height 83 mm; width 45 mm; depth 25 mm; weight 71g. Inscribed: '100 Tablets/ DONNATAL.../ L.A./ (Donnatal Long Acting Tablets)/ Each Tablet Contains: Phenobarbitone ... 48.6mg./ Hyosycamine Sulphate 0.3111 mg./ Atropine Sulphate 0.0582 mg./ Hyoscine Hydrobromide 0.0195 mg. / Donnatal L.A. Tabletsare constructed/ to release the active components over / an 8 to 10 hour period. / A-H-ROBINS/ .../ HORSHAM, SUSSEX, ENGLAND'. Made by A.H. Robins Co. Ltd., Horhsam, Sussex. English, 1950-1980.

Glass bottle for 100 Donnatal L.A. tablets, with only some tablets remaining


Glass bottle for 500 'Franol' tablets( ephedrine, theophylline, phenobarbital), with approximately 450 remaining. 105 mm x 45 mm x 65 mm, 280g. Made by Winthrop, Englihs, 1960-1985.

Glass bottle for 500 'Franol' tablets


Glass bottle of 100 Donnatal L.A. tablets (belladonna herb prepared with atropine and phenobarbitone). 83 mm x 44 mm x 24 mm, 110g. Manufactured by A.H. Robins Co. Ltd., English, 1950-1980.

Glass bottle, sealed, for 100 Donnatal L.A. tablets, 83 mm x 44 mm x 24 mm


Square glass bottle half-full of Epanutin with Phenobarbitone 'Kapseals' (Phenytoin Sodium and Phenobarbitone). 104 mm x 40 mm x 40 mm, 136 g. Supplied by Parke, Davis and Company, English, 1950-1965.

Bottle of Epanutin with Phenobarbitone


Small glass bottle with plastic lid containing sugar-coated Plexonal Hypnotic and Sedative tablets (dihydroergotamine, hyoscine, barbitone, phenobarbitone). 40 mm x 20 mm diameter, 7g. Supplied by Sandoz, from Savory and Moore, made in Switzerland, 1940-1970.

Small bottle of Plexonal tablets


6 glass ampoules (5 remaining) of Luminal Sodium (phenobarbitone sodium), in original box. 64 mm x 90 mm x 20 mm, 32g. Made by Bayer Products, 1960-1970.

Box of Luminal ampoules


Glass bottle for 25g. of 'Gardenal' Sodium powder (phenobarbital), half-full. 88 mm height x 48 mm diameter, 124 g. Supplied by May and Baker Ltd., English, 1940-1960.

Bottle of 'Gardenal' Sodium powder


Plastic bottle, in original box, of 100 'Megobar' tablets (phenobarbital and bemegride), professional sample. 53 mm x 31 mm x 31 mm, 20g. Made by A and G Nicholas, English, 1960-1980.

Professional sample of Megobar tablets


Glass bottle with metal lid for 50 tablets of Scorbital (ascorbic acid and phenobarbitone). 77 mm x 50 mm x 30 mm, 89 g. Supplied by the British Drug Houses, Ltd., English, 1960-1980.

Bottle of Scorbital tablets


Glass bottle of 50 Paminal tablets (phenobarbitone and pamine bromide) in original carton. 50 mm x 20 mm x 20 mm, 15g. Produced by Upjohn, from Savory and Moore, English, 1960-1970.

Bottle of Paminal tablets
