White glazed porcelain tobacco pipe, hunting scene transfer on bowl, silver plated bowl cover, horn reservoir, horn and wood stem with flexible hose section, cover made by Heine of Prague, Czechoslovakia,bowl Austrian (?), 1850-1910 White glazed porcelain tobacco pipe 1850-1910
White porcelain tobacco pipe, horn reservoir, cherrywood stem with horn section and mouthpiece, bowl has transfer print of dapple grey horse and hinged metal cover, possibly Dutch, 1851-1910 White porcelain tobacco pipe 1851-1910
White glazed porcelain tobacco pipe, handpainted clover like pattern on bowl, horn reservoir, wooden stem with flexible horn and cloth section, horn mouthpiece, Dutch, 1780-1840 White glazed porcelain tobacco pipe 1780-1840
Large wooden tobacco pipe with horn reservoir, woven cotton-spring section, probably made in Bavaria, Germany, 1850-1900 Large wooden tobacco pipe with horn reservoir 1850-1900
Wooden tobacco pipe, with horn reservoir and horn and material stem section, pipe cleaner attached to side of pipe, Bavarian, 19th century Wooden tobacco pipe 1801-1900