Bottle of Aromatic Black Draught and senna, rectangular bottle with glass stopper covered with kid, prepared by Dinneford & Co, London Bottle of senna and black draught 1831-1870
Bottle of Cold-Drawn Caster Oil, rectangular bottle with glass stopper covered with kid, prepared by Dinneford & Co, London Bottle of caster oil 1831-1870
Bottle of Aromatic Tincture of Orange Peel and quinine, rectangular bottle with glass stopper covered with kid, prepared by Dinneford & Co, London Bottle of quinine and orange tincture 1831-1870
Bottle once containing sweet spirit of nitre (nitrous ether spirit), rectangular bottle with glass stopper covered with kid, prepared by Dinneford & Co, London Bottle for nitrous ether spirit 1831-1870
Bottle of Bicarbonate of Soda (sodium bicarbonate powder), rectangular bottle with glass stopper covered with kid, prepared by Dinneford & Co, London Bottle of bicarbonate of soda 1831-1870
Bottle of opodeldoc, narrow rectangular bottle with squared shoulders and kid covered glass stopper, containing amber liquid, prepared by Dinneford & Co, London Bottle of soap and linament of opodeldoc 1831-1870
Bottle of Aromatic Sal Volatile, prepared by Dinneford & Co, London Bottle for Aromatic Sal Volatile 1831-1870
Bottle of powdered rhubarb, narrow rectangular bottle with squared shoulders, kid covered glass stopper, containing light brown powder, no preparer's label Bottle of rhubarb powder 1831-1870