Copy, in silver and gold, of a 10th century Saxon pocket sundial, unsigned, 1939-1950. Original found in the Cloister Garth of Canterbury Cathedral in 1939, with gnomon and chain for suspension. The gnomon is inserted into the hole that corresponds to the appropriate month, then suspended by the chain. Replica of a 10th Century Saxon Pocket Sundial, 1939-1950 1939-1950 (replica); 901-1000 CE (original)
Sample of Mokumegane in sterling silver and stainless steel, which was heated at 800°C to induce interference colours, also using a hot solution of copper sulphate and ammonia. Made by Dr Ian Ferguson at the Royal College of Art, 1990-1996. Sample of Mokumegane in sterling silver and stainless steel 1990-1996
Sample of Mokumegane in sterling silver and titanium which was heated at 800°C to induce interference colours, also using a hot solution of potassium polysulphide. Made by Dr Ian Ferguson at the Royal College of Art, 1990-1996. sample of mokumegane in sterling silver and titanium 1990-1996
Sample of Mokumegane in sterling silver and iron which was heated at 800°C to produce this natural finish. Made by Dr Ian Ferguson at the Royal College of Art, 1990-1996. Sample of Mokumegane in sterling silver and iron 1990-1996