A piece of brown paper dipped in Sulphur for use as Sulphur-matches. ? England. Piece of brown paper dipped in sulphur
One Lucifer match, slender splint of pipe, rectangular in section, typed with a chemical head of sulphur potassium chlorate, European, 1829-1860 One Lucifer match 1829-1860
Plain envelope, rectangular containing 6 lucifer matches, pine splint ends covered in sulphur, tipped with phosphorus, English, 1828-1850 Plain envelope 1828-1850
Chipboard "strike anywhere" match with grey sulpher head, narrow splint, accompanied by paper sheet inscribed "match from the box in Maidstone Museum", English, 1820-1880 Chipboard "strike anywhere" match with grey sulpher head 1820-1880
8 safety matches, six are round sticks with sulpher tipped coloured heads, two are paper spills with most of length coated in brown substance, inside envelope, marked "matches, Bradford", English, 1851-1900 8 safety matches 1851-1900
Seven pieces of massive sulphur, one large piece on stick form, foreign, 1830-1940 Seven pieces of massive sulphur 1830-1940
Bundle of thirteen sulphur tipped spills, made by a Mrs Belcher of Oxford, English, 1892 Bundle of thirteen sulphur tipped spills 1892
Bundle of three spills, paper strips tapered to a point at both ends, tipped with sulphur, European, 1750-1860 Bundle of three spills 1750-1860
Glass phial with cork stopper approximately half full of a sulphur preparation. (see note) Phial containing sulphur preparation