Hypodermic syringe, glass and nickel plated brass, cased, English, 1870-1900. Once the property of J.H.Mummery Hypodermic syringe 1870-1900
Hypodermic syringe, 5cc, Record type, glass and nickel in metal case, no accessories, Europe, 1920-1940 Hypodermic syringe 1920-1940
Hypodermic syringe, nickel plated brass and glass, in metal case, with two needles, Germany, 1901-1940 Hypodermic syringe 1901-1940
Hypodermic syringe, 1cc, Record type, glass and nickel plated brass, cased, probably English, 1901 to 1915 Hypodermic syringe 1901-1915
Exploring syringe, nickel plated brass, cased, probably English, 1890-1912 Exploring syringe 1890-1912
Dental anaesthetic syringe, boxed with leaflet, nickel plated brass, by Parke, Davis and Co., London, 1900-1930 Dental anaesthetic syringe 1900-1930
Hypodermic syringe, metal and glass, in nickel plated brass case, by Stille, Germany(?), 1901-1920 Hypodermic syringe 1901-1930
Hypodermic syringe, glass and nickel plated brass, in nickel plated brass case, with some accessories, Europe, 1901-1930 Hypodermic syringe 1901-1930
Aspirating syringe, glass and nickel plated brass, in nickel plated brass case, with accessories, once the property of Sir Robert Young, English, 1920-1940 Aspirating syringe 1920-1940
Hypodermic syringe, broken, glass and nickel plated brass, in nickel plated brass case, with two needles, German, 1901-1920 Hypodermic syringe 1901-1920
Exploring syringe, glass and nickel plated brass, cased with accessories, possibly English, 1901-1930 Exploring syringe 1901-1930