85x100mm red Morocco leather case with two latches. Lined with plain red plush. Rectangular gilt mat with domed top. Bound but not framed. 58x70mm daguerreotype three quarter length portrait of elderly lady seated with book. Wearing white poke bonnet. Fully tinted with gilt on book. Slight tarnishing along bottom edge. Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by American Daguerreotype Institution
100x125mm dark brown rectangular union case same as 1990-5036/UC01, UC02 and UC14. Exterior design has a central scene showing people dancing with a man playing a fiddle on the left and a decorative border of flowers, bread and corn. No picture. Union Case 'The Country Dance' Manufactured by S. Peck and Company circa 1856
For whole plate pictures; black composition; formal design on reverse. Exterior design shows a rowing boat with many men rowing and preparing to land with one man standing proudly at the helm with a flag flying behind. Possibly commemorating a discovery of land or naval battle. Union Case With 'Washington Crossing The Delaware' Motif
132x162mm red Morocco leather case with two latches. Lined with plain red plush. Rectangular gilt mat with domed top. Picture bound but not framed. (One latch broken). 85x115mm daguerreotype full length portrait of mother with her four daughters. One sitting on her knees, the other three standing. Fully tinted. Some tarnishing along bottom edge. Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mayall
85x100mm black Morocco leather book-type case. Front inlaid with mother-of-pearl and gold leaf in bouquet of flowers design. Gold leaf in scrolls around edges. Black lacquered with gold leaf scrolls. Lined with patterned red plush and gold leaf pattern around inside edge. Pinchbeck frame. 53x65mm daguerreotype three quarter length portrait in profile of young woman seated by table. Face and hands tinted pink. Daguerreotype In Black Lacquered Book-Type Case circa 1845
125x100mm dark brown rectangular union case by Littlefield, Parsons and Company. Centre design of case similar to 1990-5036/UC03. Interior houses a trade paper mounted within oval gilt matt frame with shield design in four corners edged with leaves and surmounted with star a Leaf design around edges. Purple plush lining with formal design. No picture. Exterior design shows an intricate scene with a man kneeling behind a low table with two noblemen standing to the right and a horse behind. Rectangular Union Case by Littlefield, Parsons and Company
90x97mm dark brown union case by S. Peck (Trade Paper on back says 'S Peck's Patent Feb 5th 1856 - H. Halverson's patent Aug 7th 1855 - assigned to S. Peck'). Die cast by H. W. Hayden, from picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence 'The Calmady Children'. Shows two young girls close up in a field. Back is mostly plain with grape design in centre and leaf design in four corners. Lined with purple plush with formal motif. Oval gilt patterned matt. Pinchbeck frame. 60x70mm collodion positive by J. TImms, 31 High Holborn, London. Three quarter young gentleman seated almost full face. Some tinting. Nice trade card backing picture. Rectangular Union Case by S Peck 'The Calmady Children' circa 1853
100x122mm black rectangular union case. 'The Washington Monument, Richmond, VA.' by S Peck & Co. Die-engraver F. Goll. Trade paper inside. Design only on one side. Lined with dark red plush with formal motif. Plain oval gilt mat and patterned pinchbeck frame. No frame. Rectangular Union Case 'The Washington Monument, Richmond VA', by S Peck circa 1858
122x100mm dark brown union case 'The Gypsy Fortune Teller' by A. P. Critchlow and Company. Trade paper inside. Design both sides. Lined with purple plush with formal design in centre. No mat or frame. No picture. Rectangular Union Case 'The Gypsy Fortune Teller', A P Critchlow circa 1857
Early camera/projector (incomplete, top missing, but fitted with lens) from Darling works, 35mm. Early Camera / Projector
35mm film measuring machine made by Alfred Darling & Sons, Brighton and sold by the Charles Urban Trading Co. Ltd., Ltd. 35mm film measuring machine made by Alfred Darling & Sons