Ophthalmoscope, British, c. 1850. Two mirrors of different focus in vulcanite mount; extra lens holder at back 1845-1855
Mantel clock, ornate black marble case, arabic numerals, brass plate inscribed "Presented to Mr. R. Dawson by the Gentleman Farmers and others in the neighbourhood of Shipton on his retiring as Stationmaster which he has filled so satisfactorily for a period of 32 years. February 27th 1894". Mantel clock, presented to retiring stationmaster of Shipton
Beige coloured vulcanised rubber oval plaque with relief scene. Depicts nude woman holding a child with veil draped over their heads and both riding a bat. Marked P106. Made by Alexander Parkes; c.1862. Vulcanised rubber plaque with relief scene 1862
Beige-coloured vulcanised rubber embossed with a prayer in ebonite typeface. It is in a rectangular wooden frame and was displayed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 for blind visitors. The prayer reads: “WHEN THOU PRAYEST ENTER INTO THY CLOSET, AND WHEN THOU HAST SHUT THY DOOR, PRAY TO THY FATHER WHICH IS IN SECRET; AND THY FATHER WHICH SEETH IN SECRET SHALL REWARD THEE OPENLY.” Framed Prayer in Ebonite Typeface Displayed at the Great Exhibition for Blind Visitors. circa 1851
Railway carriage, Great Western Railway, Buffet Car No 9631, built in 1934. Buffet Car No 9631, Great Western Railway 1934
Chassaignac type ecraseur by Collin & Cie, Paris, France, c.1870 - used for operations on intra-uterine polypus. From Charriere, Collin and Gentile collection Chassaignac type ecraseur by Collin & Cie 1870-1930
Five early rubber mouldings in frames (2 in one frame), made by Thomas Hancock, c1840. Vulcanite rubber plaques made by Thomas Hancock circa 1840