Six small packets of no.7 standard, sterilized finger dressings, made in Great Britain, 1940-1960 Six small packets of no.7 standard 1940-1960
Two rolls of ambulance bandage, made of gauze by S. Maw, Son and Sons Ltd., London, Barnet and Emgland, 1940-1960 Two rolls of ambulance bandage 1930-1960
Rugine, Ollier's by Down Bros., London, England, c. 1937, probably stainless steel, cellophane wrapped Rugine, Ollier's by Down Bros. 1937
Materia medica, unidentified beans, purgative, emetic and astringent, from Portuguese Congo, 1871 to 1938 Materia medica 1871-1938
Materia medica, seeds (?) unidentified, used as purge in sleeping sickness, from Portuguese Congo, 1871 to 1938 Materia medica 1871-1938
Two containers of Pacyl tablets, by Ventas Drug Co., supplied by Coates and Cooper, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1940-1960 Two containers of Pacyl tablets
Six small packets of no. 10 standard, sterilized, finger burn dressing, made in Great Britain, 1940-1960 Six small packets of no. 10 standard 1940-1960
Fourteen chamois leather finger and thumb Dressings of varying sizes, probably English, 1930-1960 Fourteen chamois leather finger and thumb Dressings of varying sizes 1930-1960
Box containing pocket of pheriban tablets and instruction sheet, by Maclennan brand products, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1940-1960 Box containing pocket of pheriban tablets and instruction sheet
Materia medica, unidentified seeds used to "cure" sleeping sickness, from Portuguese Congo, 1871-1938 Materia medica 1871-1938