Object type
5 glass phials containing tartaric acid tablets, metal caps, supplied by Sanitary depot, Frankfurt, 3 phials broken, 1915

5 glass phials containing tartaric acid tablets

2 glass phials containing wrapped acetylosalicyl acid tablets, a substitute for aspirin, metal cap

2 glass phials containing wrapped acetylosalicyl acid tablets

Flexible spring tourniquet with canvas mesh, Georg Haertel, Berlin, maker

Flexible spring tourniquet with canvas mesh


Canister, tin, containing metal tube of Molle ointment, hinged lid, painted yellow

Canister, tin

Small coil of catgut ligature inside cardboard drum, Berlin, 1917

Small coil of catgut ligature inside cardboard drum


Metal reel of zinc rubber plaster, 5m x 2 1/2cm long, Garde Korps Sanitary Depot, Berlin, maker, 1917

Metal reel of zinc rubber plaster


Tin canister containing bottle of tincture of iodine, hinged lid, painted yellow

Tin canister containing bottle of tincture of iodine

2 injury label booklets each containing 25 tags to attach to a wounded soldier with entries for information regarding identity; Katsch, Munich maker

2 injury label booklets


Tin canister holding powdered salicylic acid, painted yellow with hinged lid

Tin canister holding powdered salicylic acid

Tin canister for saccharin, yellow painted with hinged lid, empty of contents

Tin canister for saccharin

9 packages of sterile muslin bandages, each containing 10 lengths 200m x cm, in blue paper wrappings, 1917

9 packages of sterile muslin bandages


6 cardboard boxes containing 10 ampules each, for caffeine and sodium salicylate liquid, all six boxes sealed

6 cardboard boxes containing 10 ampules each

Tin canister containing about 40 peppermint leaf tablets, painted yellow

Tin canister containing about 40 peppermint leaf tablets

3 glass phials containing albumin tannate tablets, with metal caps, supplied in 1917

3 glass phials containing albumin tannate tablets

Tin canister containing two drums of hydrogen ointment, yellow painted

Tin canister containing two drums of hydrogen ointment

Brown glass bottle for Jodoform or Iodine, glass stopper, metal clip over stopper, with content

Brown glass bottle for Jodoform or Iodine

Tin canister containing four tubes of boric acid ointment supplied in Frankfurt

Tin canister containing four tubes of boric acid ointment supplied in Frankfurt

Glass bottle for aluminium acetotartrate liquid, glass stopper, neck collar and clasp of metal, half full of yellowish liquid

Glass bottle for aluminium acetotartrate liquid

Glass bottle for Peruvian balsam, glass stopper, metal clasp over stopper, with content

Glass bottle for Peruvian balsam

2 clear glass phials containing sodium carbonate tablets, metal cap, 1915

2 clear glass phials containing sodium carbonate tablets

Glass bottle containing boric acid powder, glass stopper, metal fitments, with content

Glass bottle containing boric acid powder

Tin canister containing dried calcium sulphate powder with two paper rolls full of the same square canister with hinged lid

Tin canister

2 glass bottles for arachis oil, small residue, with glass stopper secured by metal collar and clasp

2 glass bottles for arachis oil

3 glass phials containing quinine hydrochloride tablets, metal caps, Sanitary depot, supplier, 1917

3 glass phials containing quinine hydrochloride tablets

Glass bottle for lead acetate craystals, stoppered metal clip over stopper, with content

Glass bottle for lead acetate craystals

Glass bottle for camphor, glass stopper, metal clasp round neck with clip over stopper, empty

Glass bottle for camphor

Glass bottle for collodium ointment, glass stopper, metal neck collar and stopper clasp, with content

Glass bottle for collodium ointment

2 light wooden splints, fairly wide and flexible

2 light wooden splints

Four wooden splints culminating in plated tin cuffs

Four wooden splints culminating in plated tin cuffs

Glass bottle for anhydrous sodium sulphate or sal carolinum factitium, stoppered, metal clasp and clip, with content

Glass bottle for anhydrous sodium sulphate or sal carolinum factitium

4 brown glass bottles for chloroform pro Narcosi liquid, glass stoppers, with content, supplied 1917

4 brown glass bottles for chloroform pro Narcosi liquid

Glass bottle for sodium crystals, glass stopper, metal clasp, with content

Glass bottle for sodium crystals

Wooden military medicine chest case, rectangular box with hinged lid, without contents (see other parts for rest), German, 1914-1918

Wooden military medicine chest case


8 cartons of 10 ampoules containing morphine hydrochloride. Wrapped in paper, wrapped in twine (previously cut and retied) and formerly sealed with a green wax seal of the distributor. Inscribed with the contents and have a stamp bearing the legend Army Medical Store 7 Feb 1921' and also possibly 'fifth field medical core [sic]'. Packets inside consist of cardboard box with seperate lid. Internal boxes of morphine are of German manufacture made and dated 1917/18. Morphine hydrochloride is analgesic and narcotic but it also has central stimulant actions. The chief uses of morphine are for the relief of pain, the procuring of sleep where sleeplessness is due to pain, the arrest of haemorrhage, the supression of cough and the relief of and apprehension.

Parcel, with broken wax seal and twine, containing eight cartons of ten ampoules containing morphine hydrochloride

10 glass phials containing sodium bicarbonate tablets, Sanitary depot 18, supplier, 1917

10 glass phials containing sodium bicarbonate tablets

Wooden box containing 47 glass phials (parts 28- ), rectangular with hinged lid, circular compartments inside for content

Wooden box containing 47 glass phials (parts 28- )

Glass bottle for tincture of iodine, glass stopper, inside tin canister, see part 24

Glass bottle for tincture of iodine

2 glass phials containing pyraz phenyldin tablets, metal caps, supplied in 1915

2 glass phials containing pyraz phenyldin tablets

6 cloth packages containing lengths of pink dressings with bandage attached, 1917

6 cloth packages containing lengths of pink dressings with bandage attached


Glass bottle for carbolic acid liquid, cut glass stopper, kept in canister, (see part 20)

Glass bottle for carbolic acid liquid

Glass bottle for dilute hydrochloric acid, glass stopper, metal clip and clasp over stopper, empty

Glass bottle for dilute hydrochloric acid

Tin canister with hinged lid for bottle of carbolic acid liquid

Tin canister with hinged lid for bottle of carbolic acid liquid

1 blue paper package containing 3 sterile cambric bandages, 5mx7cm, prepared 1917

1 blue paper package containing 3 sterile cambric bandages


Glass bottle for valerian tincture, glass stopper, metal collar and clasp over stopper, with liquid content

Glass bottle for valerian tincture

Glass bottle for potassium chloride, glass stopper with metal clasp, with content

Glass bottle for potassium chloride

8 packages of sterile cambric bandages, each containing 3 lengths 5mx7cm in blue paper, wrapping with instructions for use, 1917

8 packages of sterile cambric bandages


Small glass bottle for zinc sulphate crystals, glass stopper, metal clasp, with content

Small glass bottle for zinc sulphate crystals

Glass bottle for Tincture of Chin. comp., glass stopper, metal neck collar and stopper clasp, with liquid content

Glass bottle for Tincture of Chin. comp

Two glass phials, one with a nickel-plated steel cap and the other with a painted steel cap; both phials contain Pulv Ipecacuanha and opium powder tablets (Pulv. Ipecac. op.) .3g., supplied by ‘Sanitary Depot 18’ to the German Army, unsigned, Frankfurt, Germany, 1917

Two glass phials containing Pulv Ipecacuanha and opium powder tablets

2 glass phials containing prepared Ipecacuanha tablets, with metal caps, prepared 1914

2 glass phials containing prepared Ipecacuanha tablets