Object type

Rail profile, Bombay Baroda & Central India Railway

Fishplate profile, end and side, for Bengal North Western Railway

Rail profile, East Indian Railway

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for unidentified company ASCE 60lb flat-bottomed rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Fishplate profile

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Great Eastern Railway 85lb bull-head rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., contract 28 August 1914 for 1915

standard rail profile


Rail profile, standard, end and side, for BS 75lb flat-bottomed rail, `L&H' agency marks on both pieces and War Office mark on end profile, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

standard rail profile

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for BS 80lb flat-bottomed rail, agency mark 1/02S/E

standard rail profile

Rail profile, working, end and side, for Federated Malay States Railway BS80R flat-bottomed rail, F12P agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile, Federated Malay States Railway

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Ceylon Railway BS 80lb Flat-bottomed rail, file 4013, Requisition 3805/1, Crown Agents mark, by Bolkow Vaughan & Co., June 1908.

Rail profile, Ceylon Railway

Rail profile, NPL standard No.51241, end, for BS 95R bull-head rail, unidentified stylised crown agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

NPL standard rail profile

Rail profile, Crown Agents standard, end and side, for BS 75R flat-bottomed rail, Cargo Fleet Works, 1955

crown agents standard rail profile


Rail profile, standard, end and side, for unidentified company ASCE 60lb flat-bottomed rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile, unidentified company ASCE 60lb

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for BS 20lb rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Fishplate profile made by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Federated Malay States Railway BS80R flat-bottomed rail, Indent. 3577/1, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Fishplate profile

Fishplate profile, tram, standard, end and side, for BS No.6 tram rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Fishplate profile

Rail profile, working, end, for 112lb flat-bottomed rail, by Dorman Long & Co., Middlesbrough, 1954

working rail profile


Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Bombay Baroda & Central India Railway BS 90lb flat-bottomed rail, No.631, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Aug.1911

Fishplate profile, end and side, for Bombay Baroda & Central Indian Railway

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Indian State Railway BS 90lb flat-bottomed rail, contract L629, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 1910.

Rail profile, Indian State Railway

Rail profile, working, end, for Egyptian Railway 51-68kg flat-bottomed rail, by SDS&I Co., Cargo Fleet Works, 1963.

Rail profile, Egyptian Railway

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for 25lb flat-bottomed rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile, Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for East Indian Railway 90lb flat-bottomed rail, contract 2967, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Dec.1909.

Rail profile, East Indian Railway

Rail profile, tram, standard, base, unmarked, probably by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile

Rail profile, standard, end, for Great Western Railway 00 section bull-head rail, No.486 with GWR agency mark, probably from Swindon mills, October 1899

standard rail profile


Rail key profile, standard, two ends and side, for Burma Railway 10 inch keys for BS 60lb flat-bottomed rail, contract 1673, by Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds, September 1910.

Rail key profile, Burma Railway

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Federated Malay States Railway BS80R flat-bottomed rail, Indent. 3577/1, F8P agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile, Federated Malay States Railway

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for BS 100lb bull-head rail, probably by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., unmarked

standard rail profile

Fishplate profile, standard, side, for BS 25lb rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Fishplate profile made by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Railway sleeper profile, standard, side, for London & North Eastern Railway cast sleeper, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Ralway sleeper profile, London & North Eastern Railway

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Indian State Railway 75R rail, endorsement HCW 25.1.29, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Jan.1929.

Fishplate profile

Rail profile, tram, standard crown, for BS No.6 tram rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile, BS No.6 tram rail

Rail profile, working, end and side, for BS 90A flat-bottomed rail, by SDS & I Co., Cargo Fleet Iron Works, 1961

working rail profile


Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for BS 40lb flat-bottomed rail, marked `R. White/K18', by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Fishplate profile made by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Buenos Ayres Western Railway 80lb flat-bottomed rail, SLH agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 1906.

Rail profile, Buenos Ayres Western Railway

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Brazil North Eastern Railway 25Kg flat-bottomed rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 1910

Fishplate profile, end and side, for Brazil North Eastern Railway

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Southern Railway `SR 75' pattern flat-bottomed rail, AT/I agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 1953.

Rail profile, Southern Railway

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Great Indian Peninsular Railway 100lb rail, two agency marks, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 24 Oct.1912.

Fishplate profile

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Salvador Railway (FCS) 100lb flat-bottomed rail, Indent. No.1809, SLH agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Nov.1926.

Rail profile, Salvador Railway

Rail profile, NPL standard, side, for BS 40lb flat-bottomed rail.

Rail profile

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Great Western Railway 97 1/2lb bull-head rail No.3, probably by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., unmarked

standard rail profile

Rail profile, Crown Agents working, side, for BS 80lb flat-bottomed rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 1926

Crown agents rail profile


Rail profile, working, end and side, for Australian Standard 94lb flat-bottomed rail, approved by Victorian Railways 29 Aug 1949, with `L&H' and `VR' agency marks, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 1949.

Rail profile, Australian Standard 94lb

Rail profile, standard,end and side, for 75R flat-bottomed rail, unmarked.

Rail profile

Fishlate profile, tram, standard, end and two sides, for BS No.8 and 8c tram rail, made by Cooke, Troughton & Simms Ltd. for the Engineering Standards Committee

Fishplate profile, tram, standard, end and two sides, for BS

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for Great Indian Peninsular Railway 100lb bull-head rail, two agency marks and scratched initialled approval dated 14 May 1945, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 24 Oct.1912.

Rail profile, Great Indian Peninsular Railway

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Salvador Railway (FCS) 100lb flat-bottomed rail, Indent No.1809, SLH agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Nov.1926.

Fishplate profile

Rail profile, working, end and side, for British Railways 98lb flat-bottomed rail, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co.

working rail profile

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for South Eastern & Chatham Railway 100 and 150lb rail, stylised crown agency mark, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., 1923

Fishplate profile, end and side, for South Eastern & Chatham Railway

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Indian State Railway BS 75lb flat-bottomed rail, No.S71, for use with steel sleepers, by Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Dec.1911.

Fishplate profile

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Bengal-Nagpur Railway 40lb rail, Contract No. 1432, no maker's mark but inscribed U.S. COS (W), 29 Dec. 1920

Fishplate profile, standard, end and side, for Bengal-Nagpur Railway

Rail profile, standard, end and side, for East Indian Railway 90lb flat-bottomed rail, contract 3251, rail by Dorman Long & Co., profiles by T.Cooke & Sons Ltd., London and York, June 1911.

Rail profile, East Indian Railway