On Display
Object type

Receiver for A510 wireless station


Headset for A510 wireless station


Aerial for A510 wireless station


Fragments from A510 wireless station


Transmitter, part of wireless station A510, c. 1965.

Transmitter for A510 wireless station


Two carrying cases, labelled /Z1/TSE(W)8-525', for the transmitter and receiver of wireless station A510, c. 1965.

Two cases for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Radio control unit with a control panel attached to top, marked 'Control Radio Set', 'serial no 112' and 'MCN 274'.

Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Canvas strapped roll containing metal poles, part of the antenna for A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Antenna part for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Canvas carrying bag, labelled '8465-89-940-0017', for A510 wireless station, c. 1965. Containing a pair of headphones branded 'Roanwell Corp'; a black plastic receiver marked 'Audiosears P/N 1327C', and plastic bag containing components.

Headphones in case for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Canvas carrying bag, labelled '8465-89-940-0017', for A510 wireless station, c. 1965. Containing a pair of headphones branded 'Roanwell Corp'; a plastic bag marked 'Z1.5965.99.447.2245 Microphone Don (CP) Dec.1974 Primary Pack'; and a bag of small metal components.

Headphones in case for wireless station A510, c. 1965


A tube-shaped canvas carrying bag, containing a reel of cord, marked '517'; and a reel of aerial feeder wire, marked 'TSE(W) 8-507'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Case and components for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Canvas carrying bag, marked '8465-89-940-0017', for A510 wireless station, c. 1965. Containing metal tin of spare components, labelled 'DD Z1/TSE(W)8-521', with crystal unit style DE and spare dial illumination lamps inside.

Case and components for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Headset with black plastic receiver, branded ''Audiosears P/N 1327C Modified H33 Handset'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Headset for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Rectangular green metal unit containing electronic components, cabling, and canvas cases. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Square-shaped metal bracket for A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Bracket for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Roll of cabling with metal plug at end, labelled '7564729000 P1'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Cabling for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Box containing accessories and components for A510 wireless station, c. 1965. Consisting of: a telegraph key, marked 'A1' and labelled 'CD-201-A' and 'Winslow Teletronics Inc 66150'; an aerial variometer with silver metal bracket on base, marked 'Wireless Sets No. 10 Aerial Variometer Mk III'; four coils of cabling in plastic bags; a tube-shaped object wrapped in brown paper, marked 'Z1 5820-99-103-4278 Guard'; a metal tool with red plastic handles in a canvas case marked 'A5'; and a plastic bag containing assorted components and cabling.

Components for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Dipole antenna on metal reel, part of wireless station A510, c. 1965.

Dipole antenna from A510 wireless station


Rod aerial in carrying case. Part of wireless station A510, c. 1965.

Rod aerial for A510 wireless station


Green metal bracket for A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Bracket for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Plastic tube flanged at one end, for A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Tube for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Two cardboard boxes marked 'US Army - US Navy Secret Tube Type Jan 725-A Serial No. K8044' and 'Pattern Number CV722'. Each containing two square pieces of wood, marked 'Raytheon', and a glass and metal valve. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Valves for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Rectangular green metal unit with plaque reading 'Antenna Complex Type 4908-1', containing electronic components. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Antenna complex unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Green metal bracket for A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Bracket for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Antenna Loading Coil unit marked 'Danger High Voltage', '775' and 'Water Test O.K.', with a plaque reading 'Antenna Loading Coil Type 690D-1'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Metal speaker/amplifier unit, marked 'CPN 554-2913-00' and 'Relief Valve', for A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Speaker/amplifier for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Canvas case painted with 'A12' and containing two electrical units, one marked 'Remote Control C-433/GRC'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Units for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Black plastic microphone head, marked 'Differential Microphone ElectroVoice'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Microphone for wireless station A510, c. 1965


Rectangular green metal unit with control panel on one side, engraved 'Gresham Lion Electronics Ltd'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965.

Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965

circa 1965