Object type

Tissue forceps

Ethilon suture

Collection of curved artery forceps

Collection of artery forceps

11 towel clips

Scalpel with disposable curved blade


Mersilene mersuture by Ethicon Ltd

Gigli surgical saw handles

Surgical scissors

Scalp suture needles

Surgical patties

Neurosurgical patties

Biopsy punch

Two diathermy electrodes

Lead for diathermy electrodes

Rubber tubing

Folding ruler from neurosurigcal instrument bag

Brain clip magazine

Towel clip


Pair of tissue forceps


Pair of steel toothed tissue forceps (1 of 4) by Lewis Bros.


Three tissue forceps

Leather case for neurosurgical instruments


Double action rongeur

Nerve root retractor

Surgical chisel

Bone wax

Ethicon Ltd nylon tape

Insulated suction tube

Two towel clips

Cork from neurosurgical bag

Elastic bands and safety pins from neurosurgical bag

Clip-applying forceps

Surgical skull forceps

Two surgical scalp retractors

Surgical gauze swabs

Spare brain clips

Mersilk sutures

Seven Swann-Morton sterilised surgical blades

Surgical dakin pot

Surgical skull forceps

Sharp-toothed retractors


1 pack absorbable gelatin sponge in cylindrical tube and box

Absorbable gelatin sponge in tube with original box

4 Gigli saw blades

4 Gigli saw blades

6 intervertebral disc rongeurs (2 Falconers)

Six rongeurs

2 nerve hooks

Nerve hooks

5 brain retractors, Lewis Bros London, stainless steel

Brain retractors

6 laminectomy type retractors, various sizes

Group of laminectomy type retractors

3 rongeurs, 2 straight and 1 angled, by Lewis Bros, stainless steel

Three rongeurs

Needle holder, 6in, 1 of 2.

Surgical needle holder