Object type

Book entitled: 'BMDP Statistical Software'


Box of data


Box of data


Loose paper sheets with a card backing 'Biodata Microlink - GPIB Drivers User Manual, by Biodata Ltd., Manchester, 1985, revised 1986.

Loose paper sheets with a card backing 'Biodata Microlink - GPIB Drivers User Manual


Plastic wallet containing two paper sheets entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery - Verbal (linked with parts 39 to 58)

Plastic wallet containing two paper sheets entitled Multidimensional Aptitude Battery - Verbal

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B' prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc. Printed in Great Britain by E. T. Heron & Co. Ltd Essex and London. Published by H. K. Lewis &Co. Ltd London WC1E 6BS. Date 1956, 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B' prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc. Printed in Great Britain by E. T. Heron & Co. Ltd Essex and London. Published by H. K. Lewis &Co. Ltd London WC1E 6BS. Date 1956, 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Ring binder manual entitled 'Dataease -The Information Management Solution, Sapphire Software- Services-Soulutions' in a cardboard case, 1986, by Software Solutions Inc.

Ring binder manual entitled 'Dataease -The Information Management Solution


Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B' prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc. Printed in Great Britain by E. T. Heron & Co. Ltd Essex and London. Published by H. K. Lewis &Co. Ltd London WC1E 6BS. Date 1956, 1962

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Plastic wallet containing two paper sheets entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery - Performance (linked with parts 59 to 70)

Plastic wallet containing two paper sheets entitled Multidimensional Aptitude Battery - Performance

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance'


Box file named 'Reprints 1 to 11 extra copies' containing reprints of journals and articles.

Box file named 'Reprints 1 to 11 extra copies' containing reprints of journals and articles.

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance'


Ring binder Masscomp Manual entitled 'RTU Programming Manual'

Ring binder Masscomp Manual entitled 'RTU Programming Manual'

Ring binder ILS Masscomp/RTU Volume 1, User's Guide Application Notes

Ring binder ILS Masscomp/RTU Volume 1, User's Guide Application Notes

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Performance'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal', by Douglas N. Jackson, Ph.D. Published by Research Psychologists Press, Inc., and printed in Canada, 1983-1985

Booklet entitled 'Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-Form L. Verbal'


Ring binder 'User's Manual for the MicroCat Testing System, Assessment Systems Corporation - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota

Ring binder 'User's Manual for the MicroCat Testing System, Assessment Systems Corporation - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'


Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Book entitled 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B', prepared by J.C. Raven, M.Sc., printed by E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd, Essex and London, England, and published by H.K. Lewis &Co. Ltd, London, England, 1956 and 1962.

Book, 'Coloured Progressive Matrices, Sets A, Ab, B'

Standard Progressive Matrices Set Cards, Sets A, B, C, D & E, with 5 cut out sections in the middle of the card

Standard Progressive Matrices Set Cards, Sets A, B, C, D & E, with 5 cut out sections in the middle of the card


Ring binder 'Microlink, Hardware User Manual', by Biodata Ltd., Manchester. Located Science Museum Library at Wroughton. Shelfmark: 681.322:65 MICROLINK

Ring binder 'Microlink

Book entitled 'An Introduction to Genstat', by Norman Alvey, Nick Galwey, Peter Lane, published by Academic Press, 1982

Book entitled 'An Introduction to Genstat'


Booklet entitled 'A User's Guide to the Gottman-Williams Time-Series Analysis Computer Programs for Social Scientists, by Esther A. Williams and John M. Gottman, published by Cambridge University Press, 1982. Located at Science Museum Library at Wroughton at shelfmark: 519.246 WILLIAMS

Booklet entitled 'A User's Guide to the Gottman-Williams Time-Series Analysis Computer Programs for Social Scientists


Book entitled 'Statistical Tables for Biological Agricultural and Medical Research, by Fisher and Yates, printed by Longman Group, published 1974

Book entitled 'Statistical Tables for Biological Agricultural and Medical Research


Part of operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer and assorted books, tests etc, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Part of operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer and assorted books


Part of operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer and assorted books, tests etc, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Part of operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer and assorted books


Part of operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer and assorted books, tests etc, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Part of operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer and assorted books


Book entitled 'Understanding R:Base', by Alan Simpson and Karen Watterson, published by Sybex inc., 1988

Book entitled 'Understanding R:Base'


Ring binder 'Microlink, Hardware User Manual', by Biodata Ltd., Manchester. Located Science Museum Library at Wroughton. Shelfmark: 681.322:65 MICROLINK

Ring binder 'Microlink

Booklet entitled 'Aids to the examination of the peripheral nervous system', Bailliere Tindall, on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain, 1986. Science Museum Library shelfmark: 159.955 AIDS

Booklet entitled 'Aids to the examination of the peripheral nervous system'


Book entitled 'Imaging Technology' edited by Hua Lee and Glen Wade, published IEEE PRESS, printed in USA in 1996. Science Museum Library shelfmark: 778 IMAGING

Book entitled 'Imaging Technology' edited by Hua Lee and Glen Wade


Book entitled 'Programmer's Reference: Volume 3: Messages, Structures, and Macros, Microsoft Windows, Software Devlopment Kit', for Microsoft version 3.1, by Microsoft Corporation, 1992.

Book entitled 'Programmer's Reference: Volume 3'


Book entitled 'Multimedia Programmer's Reference, Microsoft Windows, Software Devlopment Kit', for Microsoft version 3.1, by Microsoft Corporation, 1992. Located Science Museum Library at Wroughton. Shelfmark: 681.322.06 MICROSOFT

Book entitled 'Multimedia Programmer's Reference, Microsoft Windows, Software Development Kit', for Microsoft version 3.1