Object type

photograph, Three Violins

photograph, Siberian Lodestone

photograph, Model of Great Melbourne Reflector

photograph, Gyrometric Governor

photograph, Bust of Galileo & Instruments

photograph, Siderostat

Photograph, Needle Instrument.

photograph, Transit of Venus Equatorial

photograph, Gramme's Machine

photograph, Siderostat

photograph, Heliostat by Foucault

photograph, Quadrant of Tycho Brahe

photograph, Heliostat RCS (Ireland)

photograph, Gambley's Declination Compass

photograph, Dent's Glass Spring Chronometer

photograph, Attraction Meter

photograph, Gravesande's Pneumatic Pump

photograph, Davy's Balance

photograph, Cubic Feet Measuring Standard

photograph, Orrery

photograph, Telegraphic Apparatus

photograph, Optical Bench

photograph, Syren Fog Signal

photograph, "M" Room (Geography & Geology)

Photograph, Double Needle Telegraph

photograph, App. for Projecting Rectangular Vibration

photograph, Herschel's Prismatic Apparatus

photograph, Air Pump and Magdeburg Hemispheres

Photograph, "The Greatest Natural Magnet"

photograph, Transit of Venus Equipment

photograph, Siderostat

photograph, Model Ballistic Pendulum

photograph, Fixed Harbour

photograph, Air-pump (King George III)

photograph, Microscopes

photograph, Fixed Harbour

photograph, Thomson's Tide Predicting Machine

photograph, Photo-heliograph

photograph, Early Hygrometer

photograph, Five Wire Models of Lissajous's Figures

photograph, Indian Vina

photograph, Air-pump with two barrels

photograph, The Kew Photo-heliograph

photograph, Newton's Telescope

photograph, Tide Integrating Machine

photograph, Newcomen's Steam Engine

photograph, Tisley's Compound Pendulum

photograph, Gramme's Machine for demonstrating

photograph, Ramsden's Small Theodolite

photograph, Ancient Striking Clock