Object type

Statue representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850


Religious statue depicting Adam and Eve

Statue of cadaver and the Bailiff

Statue depicting old man leading away the Count

Statue depicting a cadaver grasping the Usurer by the throat

Statue depicting a struggle between a cadaver and the Pagan

Statue depicting cadaver leading away the Duke

Statue depicting cadaver leading the Emperor away by hand

Statue of a cadaver with the Merchant

Statue depicting cadaver with bones and lantern

Statue of cadaver with a nobleman

Statue of cadaver and the Mercer

Statue of cadaver leading the bishop

Statue of cadaver and the Painter's Wife with child

Statue of the cadaver and the Sheriff

Statue depicting cadaver and the Doctor

Statue of cadaver grasping the Senator by the wrist

Statue of cadaver and innkeeper

Statue of cadaver and the Lawyer

Religious statue

Statue depicting cadaver and man with wooden leg, labelled "The Cripple"

Statue of cadaver and a Jewish man

Statue of cadaver in breast plate with knight

Statue depicting a cadaver and the Paganess

Statue of cadaver with a lute

Statue depicting female cadaver leading away the Queen

Statue depicting cadaver grasping the Empress by the wrist

Statue of crouching cadaver clutching the Abbess's robes

Statue depicting cadaver leading away the Abbot

Religious statue depicting a preacher

Statue of a cadaver and the Maid

Statue of cadaver and the Young Man

Statue of a cadaver and the Herald

Statue of cadaver leading away the Clown

Statue depicting cadaver and the Painter

Statue depicting cadaver and the Blind Man

Statue of cadaver dancing away with the Fool

Wooden case, No 2, with glass front, for statues entiled ' The Emperor', 'The Empress', 'The Queen', 'The Cardinal', 'The Duchess', 'The Knight', representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850.

Wooden case


Wooden case, No 3, with glass front, for five statues entiled ' The Count', 'The Abbot', 'The Abbess', 'The Cannonl', 'The Nobleman', representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850.

Wooden case


Wooden case, No 6, with glass front, for six statues entiled ' The Jew', 'The Mercer', 'The Young Man', 'The Maid', 'The Clown', 'The Cook', representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850.

Wooden case


Wooden case, No 1, with glass front, for statues entitled ' The Preacher', 'Death Calling the Dance', 'Adam and Eve', 'The Cardinal', 'The Bishop', representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850.

Wooden case


Wooden case, No 4, with glass front, for five statues entiled ' The Lawyer', 'The Senator, 'The Doctor', 'The Herald', 'The Sherrif', representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850.

Wooden case


Wooden case, No 5, with glass front, for five statues entiled ' The Merchant', 'The Pagan, 'The Paganess', 'The Usurer', 'The Bailiff', representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850.

Wooden case


Wooden case, No 7, with glass front, for five statues entiled ' The Fool', 'The Cripple', 'The Blind Man', 'The Painter's Wife', 'The Painter', representing the Dance of Death, probably English, 1801-1850.

Wooden case
