Object type
One magnetic reel-to-reel 1/4" audio tape, sound recording for George Stephenson Lecture Set from British Rail Research. The lecture set comprised audio and film, however the film reel is missing.

1/4 inch magnetic audio tape of sound recording for George Stephenson Lecture Set

Offcuts; U124 / 24/06/1980 / Print offcuts / "See U125 for offcuts of titles" / Can 2 of 3;100 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Self Loading Vehicle'


Negative Master; U20 / May 1971 / B&W, Silent / Can 1 of 1;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Driving Simulation Film'


Print; I57 / First frames with long explanatory titles / Note following title: "…with 20' 9" wheelbase on roller rig, IV tare cond", "Two sections removed August 1976 on MR Wickens instructions in both instances a short piece of black film has been inserted to mark the position" / B&W, Silent;400 feet cardboard case

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Prototype UIC suspension container carrying vehicle'


Print; U33 / 04/09/1972 / Can 5 of 5;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Silica Gun'


Print; U14 / 03/04/1971 / B&W, Silent / Can 1 of 1;400 feet 35mm metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Stilton Fen'


Unexposed Negative; Colour negative unexposed, tape around metal box, in yellow kodak cardboard, 100 feet reel; 100 feet Eastman Kodak yellow case

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Unexposed negative'

British Rail Research 16mm Acetate film.

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Fire tests'

British Rail Research 16mm Acetate film.

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Work on overhead, Mattress fire test'

Print; X68, not written on can / British Rail Research 15/09/1982 / Colour, Silent; 400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Two Pantograph Tests September 1982, Old Dalby'


Print; I80 / BR Research / CM&EE / B&W, Silent;800 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Riding Tests Scotland'

Negative Master; U79 / 13/01/1977 / BR Research roll No.293, 02/12/1976 on leader / Colour, Silent / Cans 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of 7;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'TAIM'


Print; U28 / Can almost empty, only a detailed shot list and few feet of films with title "Engineering Research Division British Railway Board Derby" no pictures, no reel / Note on label: "September 1976, for AW titles removed film from I93/1 added to end (APT runs)";400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Dynamics of Railway Vehicles'


Copy; BTF label / Title corresponding with British Rail Research U94 and U97; 400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'APT Faraday lecture'

Print; U107 / 20/05/1978 / Colour, Silent / Magenta / Can 2 of 2;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Lateral Transfer Rig at Derby Research'


Original camera; U4 / Colour, Silent / Can No.1 of 3 / Reversal;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Re-Railing Wagon with Air-Bag'

Print; X137 / 1984 / BR Research Roll No.409 / Colour + B&W, Silent / Magenta;1000 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Euxton Junction Preston'


Negative + Print; U58 / 10/02/1975 / 2 reels inside can 1 of 1;1000 feet 35mm metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Test Run of Car Flats (Aerodynamics)'


Print; X147 / Title according BRR X series list by BRB / Colour, Silent / Magenta;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Track tests'

Print; X102 / First frames showing view from inside train through open window / Colour, Silent;400 feet plastic canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'York Derby'

Negative Master; U113 / 06/04/1979 / BR Research roll No.336 / Colour, Silent / Can 1 of 2;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Detonator Tests Mickleover reel 1'


British Rail Research 16mm Acetate film.

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'The Ignition of insulated pre-coated…'

Negative Master; X62/3 / BR Research roll No.197 and 198 / B&W, Silent, 35mm written on label but 16mm film; 1000 feet 35mm metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm '35mm Black Spacing'

Negative Master; U35 / 07/09/1972 / Can 1 of 3;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Rolling Coad Rig reel 1 of 3'


210 feet reel / Title as handwritten notes for side 1 and 2, almost erased on box, 20 min recording in total according note

Magnetic audio tape 1/4" '[E OG B Rail Wa…] Locomotive development'

Copy; I50 / Metal canister inside cardboard case / Note: "Sound track on first part of the film only" / Colour, Magnetic sound / Slightly magenta;400 feet cardboard case

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'The CS3 Rail Fastening Assembly on Concrete Sleeper'

Copy; I90 / BR / Title on can and first frames / Colour, Magnetic sound;400 feet plastic canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Autowagon'

Print; I56 / Taken by CME according note on label / 100 feet / B&W, Silent;400 feet cardboard case

Film - Acetate - 16mm '35 ton 2 axle wagon flat'

Negative Master; BR Research roll No.247 / 19/03/1974 / Colour, Silent; 400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Untitled Negative Master No247'


Copy; BTF label / Reference from I series of British Rail Research film list: I73/1 / Also on box: SRAWS or SRAUS, Friargate film 1;400 feet cardboard case

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Automatic Warning System with Cab Signalling Display'

Print; U47 (not on can) / BR Research roll No.228 / 01/08/1973 / "complete film" according label / Colour, Silent;800 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Dover Derailment'


Print; U50 / 1973 / Colour, Silent / Magenta / Can 2 of 2;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'APT 20mph Run'


Print; U133 / 07/1982 / "See also I108" on can / Title on can and first frames / Colour, Silent / Magenta / Can 2 of 2;400 feet plastic canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Elevating Twistlock Concept reel 2 of 2'


Copy; BTF label / "no front" written on label / B&W, Optical sound; 400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'There Has Been an Accident'

Original camera + Print; Canister inside Brown film travel box / U1 / 08/10/1970 / BR Research roll No.115 / 3 rolls in can, 2 reversal prints (duplicate) on core and 1 reversal original on core, same frames at the beginning of the rolls / Can 1 of 1 / Colour, Silent / Reversal;400 feet 35mm metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Rail Test Old Dalby Test Track'


Print; X103 / B&W;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Drop Hammer'

Print; U110, not written on can / 06/04/1978 / Three films linked / BR RES J65502, RL322 / Silent / Can 1 of 3;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Hornsey coupling tests 1'


Negative Master; X62/4 / No title on can, could correspond to Pan Test Widmerpool according number / 2 rolls in can, BR Research rolls No.195 and 196 / 28/04/1980 / B&W, Silent; 800 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm ' Untitled Negative Master X62/4'


Negative Master; U34 / 04/07/1972 / BR Research roll No.188 / Colour, Silent;800 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Duffield Slab Track'


Copy; I106 / COI label / 28 minutes / Save it, title on first frames, plus "Introduced by Robert Kee" / British Crowns copyright according label / Colour, Optical sound / Magenta;1200 feet plastic canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Save It: Energy in Industry'

Original camera; U24 / Colour, Silent / Can 1 of 2 / Reversal;800 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Mickleover Autowagon Test Site'

Copy; X51 / Title according BRB X series list / Title on can: Rail Concrete Paver / BR Research 10/02/1975 / Note on can "Damaged PACT film piece chopped out for RWS Nov. 1982" / Colour, Optical sound / Magenta; 800 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'PACT: The Permanent Way'


British Rail Research 16mm Acetate film.

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Chardesden fire tests'

Original camera; X152 / No info or title / Mark for sync / Colour, Silent / Reversal;100 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Original Camera X152'

British Rail Research 16mm Acetate film.

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Fire tests on seats'

Copy; Colour, Optical Sound;400 feet plastic canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'HST Compilation Film'

Print; X11 / On lab delivery order title is "Fight Against Time" / B&W, Silent;1000 feet 35mm metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Thermic Lance'

Print; U111 / 06/04/1979 / B&W, Silent / Can 2 of 2;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Testing of Bcf Fire Extinguisher'


Print; U61 / May 1975 / "Not to be shown or loaned without I.G.T Duncan (director)", "short section removed" / Colour, Silent / Magenta;400 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Wagon Derailment Test Mickleover'


Original camera; X138 A&B (2 reels in can) / Ashford 17-21/11/1986 / BR Research / Rolls 1 to 23 spliced together onto 2 reels / Colour, Silent / Looks like unedited rushes / Reversal;1000 feet metal canister

Film - Acetate - 16mm 'Carriage Washing Plant'