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exposure meter; actinometer


Disc Actinometer (Autotype)

Wynne's Earliest Pattern of Exposure Meter

Hodgkinson's actinometer

Hodgkinson's actinometer

Hodgkinson's actinometer

Actinometer by Thomas Charles Robinson, 1840.


Herschel type actinometer, 1849-1851


Michelson actinometer


Herschel actinometer, unsigned, numbered 11

Michelson actinometer


Blackened sphere from Violle's actinometer

Blackened sphere from Violle's actinometer

Johnson's Actinometer (Autotype)


'Bijou' Actinometer and Exposure Table Byde by Isaac Watts


Sun duration sensor, actinometer, by R & D Electronics, 1997


Herschel actinometer by Robinson & Barrow, 1842


Gilt sphere from Violle's actinometer

Gilt sphere from Violle's actinometer

Watkins Bee Meter

Illingworth Actinometer

Leon Warnerke's patent actinometer


Actinometer, bookform, in wallet. Fold-out card containing instructions booklet, all within paper wallet.

Imperial Exposure Meter

Haka expometer. Disc form actinometer, metal. Metal calculator rings and mask rotate over disc of sensitive paper, held by friction of emery paper stuck in back. In leather pouch.

Haka expometer. Disc form actinometer

Watkin's Bee Meter. Watchform actinometer. In original box with instructions (12th edition)

Watkins Bee Meter

Bookform actinic meter by Imperial Dry Plate Co., Cricklewood. No.1 bright light, No 2, dull light. Sliderule instruction calculators. Two instruction books and pack of sensitive.

Imperial exposure meter

Bee meter actinometer with colour plate dial. Watkins Meter Co.

Watkin's colour plate meter

Hurter and Driffield Actinograph Patent No. 5545 1888, with slide rule calculator with roller, seals for H & D speeds 300-0.5: light: very dull - very bright, aperture f/2.8-64, exposure time 0.05sec to 60 secs. Time of year and day on roller. Calibrated for North latitude 52 30 0 degrees. In wooden case. Marion & Co. 1892.

Hurter and Driffield actinograph


Imperial exposure meter. Bookform actinometer. Slide rule calculator; using a strip of sensitive paper pulled past small window surrounded by tinted ring for matching. With packet of 9 refills. Made by Imperial Dry Plate Co., Cricklewood.

Imperial exposure meter

Watkins colour plate meter. Actinometer exposure meter, watchform. Calibrated for colour screen plates, with instructions in original carton.

Watkins Colour Plate Meter

Autotype printing actinometer. Oblong metal box with 9-step glass wedge in lid. Wooden paper holder with space for spare reel of paper.

Autotype Printing Actinometer

Watch type actinometer for carbon platinotype printing. Watkins Meter Co.

Watkins print meter

Stanley's actinometer (waistcoat pocket-type), c. 1886, London.

Stanley's Actinometer


Actinometer; 4 tints numbered 1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.25 round rectangular aperture; provision for paper roll; probably homemade.

Carbon tint actinometer

Watch form actinometer. Calibrated f/4-90, 1/500-130sec. Light 6-130.

Watkins Bee meter

Extinction type exposure meter. Reading made on small blue circle in larger field of ground glass, reducing effect of accomodation etc. Telescope type, tube marked with scale: H & D speeds 12-2000. Lens apertures f/1.4/64. Shutter speeds 1/5000 sec - 5 hours. Dr. Schlichter.

Lios-Actinometer exposure meter (model photo)


. Metal box with wooden paper holder. Circular aperture with yellow tinted glass and three segments of different densities

Johnson Three-Tint actinometer

Wynee's Infallible Hunter meter. Watchform actinometer. Sensitive paper visible through window in the face; two scale 1/128 - 64, F. 4-362.

Wynne's Infallible Hunter meter

Le Chronoscope PAP cylindrical actinometer. Lens at one end, paper holder with standard tints at the other. Print-out image of scene cf with standard tint; exposure time calculated from tables (missing)

Le Chronoscope PAP actinometer


Watkins actinometer, watch-form. Sensitive paper under blue glass and mask with standard tint. Fixed calculator engraved on back plate.

Watkins actinometer

Burton carbon print maker. Box with wooden paper strip carrier. Lid carries 6 negatives under a step wedge.

Burton Carbon Print Meter

Watch pattern actinometer in original tin with instructions , Rapid Deadmatch paper.

Wynne's Infallible meter


The Infallible Exposure Meter Company, Wrexham. Pocket-watch form actinometer; in tin with instructions, plate speed chart, replacement Autochrome dial and 2 packets of rapid deadmatch paper.

Wynne's Infallible Hunter Meter


Wynne's Infallible print meter. Plated metal box with paper holder in lid. Transparency numbered 1-16, lettered A-P printed under; ground glass (over numbers) opal glass (over letters); metal mask with graduated holes; opal glass.

Wynne's Infallible print meter. Plated metal box with paper holder in lid. Transparency numbered 1-16

Watkins bee meter. Watch pattern actinometer with unopened tin of steadfast discs.

Watkins Bee Meter

Imperial Duplex Exposure meter by Imperial Dry Plate Company Ltd. London. 3/6d. Actinometer in bookform leather folder. 2 calculators for bright and dim light.

Imperial duplex exposure meter

2 Herschel type actinometers, by Henry Barrow, London and 1848 and Thomas Charles Robinson, London, 1840

2 Herschel type actinometers

1848; 1840

Watkins Bee meter. Actinometer, watch form. In original carton with short instructions, booklets and speed card.

Watkins Bee Meter

Watch type actinometer in solid silver case hallmarked for Birmingham. Gothic in style 't', 'A.W.' 1893. Back engraved with crowned A monogram and the Prince of Wales feathers. With rose, thistle and shamrock decoration. Wynne. With leatherette case.

Queen Alexandra's Wynne's Infallible Exposure Meter


Penrose Carbon Actinometer; step wedge numbered 1-10; provision for roll of paper.

Penrose Carbon Actinometer