Aerial camera, Type EB14, 5" x 4" focal plane shutter, two film magazines by Thornton Pickard, Altrincham, England, (no lens); in storage box. Thornton Pickard Aerial Camera Type EB14 1915-1920
Williamson aerial camera, type L, 5" x 4", aluminium body, Thornton Pickard focal plane blind shutter, Ross Airo best anastigmat lens f/4.5 8 1/2" lens (yellowing) No 82,145, and two magazines for 18 plates, complete in storage box. Williamson Type L Aerial Camera 1917
Aircraft photographic reconnaissance camera Type F.52, Serial No 5, manufactured for use by the RAF during the second world war. Fitted with F:20" f/6.3 EE190213 lens. 500 exposure film magazine for 9" wide film producing 7" x 8 1/2" pictures. Film magazine cut away to show film transport. Aerial Photographic Reconnaissance Camera Type F.52, 1939-1945 1944
Hand-held aerial photography camera. Made in Japan, 1930s. Serial no. 0137. Rocknon-Sha Lens f4.5 Hand-held aerial photography camera. Made in Japan 1930-1939
Sonne 55A aerial camera with Kodak aero-Ektar lens. Sonne 55A Aerial Camera with Kodak Aero-Ektar Lens
Aerial Camera, marked FH336Type Gun Hythe Mark II, with focal plane shutter, adapted to take films 2 1/4" wide (no lens); In storage box, (Missing). Lacks dark slide/film holder. Clamped to Science Museum made mahogany wood stand. Aerial Camera
Aerial camera type A, with Mackenzie-Wishart dark slide (no lens), early 20th century Aerial Camera Type A 1901-1920
Mk III Hythe gun camera made by Thornton-Pickard Ltd, Altrincham, c.1916 Mk III Hythe gun camera made by Thornton-Pickard Ltd circa 1916
Type 96 airborne camera, as used on the Victor & Canberra reconnaisance aircraft. Successor to F52. Williamson Type 96 Aerial Camera
Aerial camera, Type C, 5" x 4" focal plane shutter, magazine to hold 18 plates; with finder and storage box, (no lens), 1916. Royal Flying Corps (RFC) camera Type C, made by Thornton Pickard. Thornton Pickard Aerial Camera, 1916 1916
Williamson Mfg Co Ltd, Lodon NW10. Hand-held aero camera for 2 1/2x3 1/2" plates. Ross Xpress lens F:136mmm f/4.5-32, No 130629, in helical focusing mount to 2 1/2 yards. Behind-lens louvre shutter 50/100/150/200/B, released by trigger. Pistol grip. Direct vision optical finder. In lined leather case. Williamson pistol type aero camera
Storage Box for Aerial camera, Type C, 5" x 4" focal plane shutter, magazine to hold 18 plates; with finder and, (no lens), 1916. Royal Flying Corps (RFC) camera Type C, made by Thornton Pickard. Thornton Pickard Aerial Camera, 1916 1916
F24 Aerial Camera outfit, comprising seven parts, by Williamson Manufacturing Co. Ltd., London & Reading, England F24 Aerial camera, 1960-1970 1939-1955
Aerial camera, Type Gun Hythe Mark III, with 11" R.R. lens ; and between lens instantaneous shutter: adapted to take roll films 2 1/4" wide; in storage box. Aerial Camera Type Gun Hythe Mark III
Lewis Automatic aerial machine gun and camera (scarfe mounting), serial number 58145, barrel length 670 mm / 26.4 in and calibre 7.924 mm / .303 in, by Birmingham Small Arms Company Limited, United Kingdom, c. 1914 Lewis Automatic aerial machine gun and camera (scarfe mounting) circa 1914