Object type

Artificial horizon of black glass


Heliostat, contrived by the late G. Johnstone Stoney


Heliostat by Jules Duboscq, 1850-1880


Solar eyepiece (Herschel wedge) with two dark glass filters by John Browning


Heliostat with spring driven clock drive for use with table top spectrometers by Adam Hilger Ltd.


Small heliostat on mahogany base/stand with clockwork drive


Heliostat by Spencer & Son


Pictor 416XT charge-coupled device camera and autoguider by Meade with accessory fittings


Electrographic camera of aperture 4 cm plus operating console by Wallis of Worthing.

Electrographic camera


Gold-plated grazing - incidence paraboloidal mirror for X-ray astronomy

Gold-plated grazing - incidence paraboloidal mirror for X-ray astronomy


Shutter for observing Aurora, H.O.5, on brass foot 4" diam. sliding pillar, wedge about 6 1/2" long, 3/4" wide, rack and pinion adjustment, scale in inches and 1/10 nod 0 to 65, vernier (unusual kind) and wooden case. Wooden velvet covered cap for eye end, brass view tube 8 1/2" long with sliding tube, extra brass end for glass

Shutter for observing Aurora


Modern clock heliostat with Japanese markings

Modern clock heliostat with Japanese markings


Photograph of siderostat by Foucault of the Paris Observatory [mounted with 1876-1001/3/4]

Photograph of siderostat by Foucault of the Paris Observatory


Photograph showing a selection of scientific instruments from the Physical Cabinet (collection) of the Royal University of Padua, Italy. These include heliostats by Tessarolo and Silbermann, a projector by Duboscq, lamp by Carlevaris, lamp for producing Drummond's light, and regulator for an electric arc lamp. The print was supplied by Prof Rossetti for display at the 1876 Loan Exhibition held at the South Kensington Museums, London.

Photograph showing a selection of scientific instruments from the Physical Cabinet of the Royal University of Padua


Two photograph mounted together of an 18inch Coelostat, made for the Canberra Observatory, New South Wales by Sir Howard Grubb, Parsons & Company at their optical works in Newcastle-on-Tyne, England.

Two photograph mounted together of an 18inch Coelostat


Camera assembly, parts of an image photon counting system used on the Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Springs in New South Wales, Australia.

Camera assembly


Photograph of Universal heliostat designed by Lord Blythswood [mounted with 1876-1001/2/3]

Photograph of Universal heliostat designed by Lord Blythswood


4 cm Electrograph camera tube, McMullen type, by ITL

4 cm Electrograph camera tube


Image Photon Counting System, prototype version, plus associated documentation designed by Prof. Boksenberg and used on the Hale Telescope at Mt. Palomar.

Image Photon Counting System, 1973


Copy of Gravesande's first heliostat

Copy of Gravesande's first heliostat


Photograph of the original Gravesande Heliostat in the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, Paris

Photograph of the original Gravesande Heliostat in the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers


Photograph of 18" Siderostat in glazed frame 17 1/4" x 21 1/4"

Photograph of 18" Siderostat in glazed frame 17 1/4" x 21 1/4"


Heliostat by Monckhoven

Heliostat by Monckhoven


Solar telescope consisting of heliostat with fixed mirror and extending lens, made for use in the 'Exploration Gallery' to project an image of the Sun into the display.

Solar telescope consisting of heliostat with fixed mirror and extending lens


Photograph of siderostat by T. Cooke and Sons, Royal Society [mounted with 1876-1001/2/4]

Photograph of siderostat by T Cooke and Sons, Royal Society


Solar eyepiece in brass, by Dollond to Dawes' pattern, in fitted mahogany box with trade label

Solar eyepiece in brass


Artificial horizon; black glass 2 1/8" with 3 levelling screws, in black fish-skin case, with level (not original)

Artificial horizon; black glass 2 1/8" with 3 levelling screws


One of two photographs of a siderostat constructed by Messrs Cooke and Sons of York, for the Royal Society

One of two photographs of a siderostat constructed by Messrs Cooke and Sons of York

Photographs (2) of a siderostat constructed by Messrs Cooke and Sons of York, for the Royal Society

Photographs (2) of a siderostat constructed by Messrs Cooke and Sons of York

One of two photographs of a siderostat constructed by Messrs Cooke and Sons of York, for the Royal Society

One of two photographs of a siderostat constructed by Messrs Cooke and Sons of York

Eyepiece for solar observations signed "Steinheil in Munchen No.2065" in fitted box

Eyepiece for solar observations in fitted box
