Object type

Knotted cord bag with very loose mesh suggesting that it was used to carry a large vessel


Cloth bags

Brown canvas bag


Closed fibre string bag with loop


Portable medical bag made of brown canvas


Leather bag, English, 1914-1918


Leather bag


Plaited fibre bag, with long fringe, medicine man's, Wakavirando, East Africa, 1880-1920, contains gourd container

Medicine man's plaited fibre bag, with long fringe and gourd container. Wakavirando, East Africa


Doctor's bag, brown leather, no contents, thought to be English, 1890-1940

Empty Doctor's bag


Bag of leaves and roots, 1889, supplied by A.Smith

Bag of leaves and roots, 1889, supplied by A.Smith

Bag of parts of cancer bark, 1888, supplied by G.Paterson, Cape Colont

Bag of parts of cancer bark

Medical Officer's of Health analytical bag, wood, leather covered, sole flaps, contains 8 glass bottles (6 labelled), a brass bottle, and a weight, Ferris and Co. maker, Bristol, England, 1860-1918

Medical Officer of Health's Analytical Bag


Bag made of leopard fur and leather contains eleven pouches, possibly Chinese 1830 to 1920

Bag made of leopard fur and leather contains eleven pouches


Bag of mud, Romanian (formerly known as Rumanian)

Bag of mud

Bag for cinchona bark, known as a Seron, rawhide, empty, probably Peruvian and supplied by H. Salle, Paris, 1920-1930

Bag for cinchona bark


Chamomile flowers supplied by Martindale Samoore, c.1960

Chamomile flowers supplied by Martindale Samoore

Bundle of stems from Veterinary Research Laboratory, owned by M.W.Sheppard, 1901 to 1950

Bundle of stems from Veterinary Research Laboratory

Bag of unknown materia medica, sent by J.B.N.Hennessey, India to Prof. Fraser, 1895

Bag of unknown materia medica

Bag of leaves, owned by Prof. Fraser, late C19

Bag of leaves, owned by Prof. Fraser, late C19


Bag of parts of plant, including flowers, supplied by A.Smith to Prof. Fraser, 1871 to 1900

Bag of parts of plant

Bag of bits of plant supplied by A.Smith to Prof. Fraser, late 19th century

Bag of bits of plant supplied by A.Smith to Prof. Fraser

Leaves in bag, from A.Smith, Katberg, owned by Prof. T.R.Fraser, 1895

Leaves in bag

Bag of leaves, supplied by Smith to Prof. Fraser of Edinburgh, late 19th century

Bag of leaves

Bag of medicine for heart disease, comprising camelia leaf and fruit and humming bird ( missing), Pueblo, Mexico, 1901-1930

Bag of medicine for heart disease


Stitched leather bag with three metal amulets, two triangular the other a brass brooch-like item, African, 1851-1920

Stitched leather bag with three metal amulets


Bag of seeds from GT Goldie, South Africa, via A.Smith to prof Fraser, 1894

Bag of seeds from GT Goldie

Bag of `Omozhuma' plant, veronia jugalis, Uganda, collected 1919

Bag of `Omozhuma' plant


Bag of materia medica, from South Africa, sent to Prof. Fraser, 1895

Bag of materia medica


Bag of bark of root, supplied by A.Smith, South Africa, to T.R.Fraser, late nineteenth century

Bag of bark of root

Bag of roots, sent by A.Smith to Prof. Fraser, late 19th century

Bag of roots

Bag of cinchona bark, from Jamaica, 1900-1950

Bag of cinchona bark, from Jamaica, 1900-1950


Bag of "Mulyanyonyi" wood, Uganda, collected 1919

Bag of "Mulyanyonyi" wood, Uganda, collected 1919


Bag of "Omuwhoko", Phytolacca docedandra plant, Uganda, collected 1919

Bag of "Omuwhoko"


Medicine man's shin bag, soft pouch-like container containing cloth rags, bones, twigs, herbs, small spear, iron fragments etc with long leather strap, Sudanese, 1880-1910

Medicine man's shin bag
