Object type
1oz card box in red paper of Veronal powder (barbitone sodium). 38 mm x 50 mm x 45 mm, 27g. Printed label reads, '1 oz./ VERONAL/ Patented and Registered in most of/ the Industrious countries/ FABENFABRIKEN vorm. FRIEDR. BAYER & Co./.../Germany/The resale and importation/ to the United States of America/ are prohibited'. Made by Friedr. Bayer and Co., German, 1930-1950.

Box of Veronal powder


Tin of Medinal tablets (barbital), complete with contents. overall: height 56 mm; diameter 41 mm; weight 43g. Inscribed: '100 TABLETS each 0.32 G/ MEDINAL/ A Schering Product/ HYPNOTIC/ made in England/ BRITISH SCHERING BS LIMITED SLOUGH/.../ Each tablet contains:/ 0.32 G Barbitone/ Sodium B.P'. Made by British Schering Ltd., Slough, England. English, 1940-1970.

Tin of Medinal tablets (barbital)


Glass phial with metal lid for 10 'Vernamon' tablets (barbital) with 8 tablets remaining. 40 mm x 20 mm diameter, 8 g. Made by Schering-Kahibaum A.G., German, 1920-1940.

Phial of Vernamon tablets


Rectangular glass bottle for 500, 5 gr. tablets of Barbitone Sodium (approx. 150 tablets remaining). 85 mm x 45 mm x 75 mm, 394g. Produced by Philip Harris chemists, Birmingham, English, expires 1959.

Rectangular glass bottle for 500


Green glass poison bottle with bakelite lid, containing powdered traces of barbitone sodium. 99 mm x 55 mm diameter, 141 g. Made by Savory and Moore Ltd., Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England, 1930-1960.

Bottle of Barbitone Sodium powder


Glass bottle with bakelite lid 2/3 full of Trisan 'anti-asthmaticum' syrup (potassium iodide, chloral hydrate, barbitone, alcohol) in original packaging. 155 mm x 50 mm x 30 mm, 260g. Made by Hommels Haematogen and Drug Co., English, 1980-1985.

Bottle of Trisan 'Anti-Asmaticum'


Aluminium canister for 100 Veramon tablets (amidopyrine and barbitone) with contents remaining. 80 mm x 54 mm diameter, 77 g. Supplied by British Schering Ltd., English, 1920-1950.

Canister of Veramon tablets


Two glass tubes of 'Neurinase' tablets (barbitone) , in original cartons, complete with contents. Instructions on glass tube state both hypnotic and sedative dosages. Height 65 mm x width 26 mm x depth 26 mm, weight 46.5g. Inscribed: '.../"NEURINASE"/Tube containing 22 Tablets : net weight 129 grs/Sole Agents for Great Britain and Eire/WILCOX,JOZEAU & CO.Ltd./74-77, White Lion Street,LONDON,N.1/19, Temple Bar, DUBLIN/Manufacured by the Proprietors of / "NEURINAISE" by/PHYSIKON Ltd./74-77, White Lion Street, LONDON,N.1./ Each tablet contains:/ Barbitone soluable .. .. 3.3 grs/ Extract of Valerian .. 1.0 gr/ Lactose ... 2.2 grs / POISON' Manufactured by Physikon Ltd, London, for distributors Wilcox, Jozeau & Co. Ltd., London. English, 1940-1960.

2 x glass tubes of Neurinase complete with cartons


Green glass poison bottle with bakelite lid for 250 tablets of Barbitone Sodium, approximately 200 remaining. 110 mm x 59 mm diameter, 259 g. Supplied by Wright, Layman and Umney Limited, Southwark, London, SE1, England, 1960-1980.

Poison bottle of Barbitone Sodium tablets


Glass bottle with metal lid for 250 Barbitone 5 gr. tablets, with approximately 75 tablets remaining. 115 mm x 55 mm diameter, 209 g. Produced by the British Drug Houses, English, 1940-1960.

Glass bottle with metal lid for 250 Barbitone 5 gr. tablets


Bottle of 'MEDINAL' ('soluable barbitone' - barbital), with half of the contents still remaining.80 mm x 45 mm diameter, 104g. Inscribed:'TRADE MEDINAL MARK/ SOLUABLE BARBITONE B.P./ TRADE BS MARK/ 1/2 [hand written] OUNCE POWDER / MADE IN ENGLAND/ BRITISH SCHERLING LTD./ 185-190 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON W.C.1/ POISON' Made by British Schering Ltd., 185-190 High Holborn, London, WC1, England. English, 1945-1960.

Bottle of Medinal soluable barbitone


Bottle of "Veronigen" (barbital), half full, containing an orange liquid.155 mm x 43 mm diameter, 166g. Red printed label with hand written ink insribed '.../"Veronigen".../(Hewlett) /JOHN BELL & CROYDEN LTD./.../50, WIGMORE STREET, LONDON, W.1.' Made by John Bell and Croyden Limited, 50 Wigmore Street, London, W1, England. English, 1890-1930.

Glass bottle of veronigen


Wooden chest labelled 'Tabletten' of 50 numbered, stoppered, glass phials of tablets. Chest: 125 mm x 235 mm x 125 mm, phial: 100 mm x 15 mm diameter. Substances within phials include aspirin, quinine, tannic acid, ipecacuanha, mercury, Dover's Powder (opium), and Veronal (barbital). Unknown maker, for military use, German, 1900-1918.

Wooden chest of drugs in glass phials


Glass bottle with metal top of Veronal brand 5 gr. Barbitone tablets. 75 mm x 34 mm diameter, 68 g. Packed by Bayer Products Ltd., London, made in U.S.A., 1940-1960.

Bottle of Veronal tablets


Cardboard box, containing brown glass rectangle based bottle with metal screw cap and paper labels. Bottle contains 20 Indonal tablets, a hypnotic and sedative, consisiting of the active ingredients barbitone and extract of cannabis. The details on box are written in German.

bottle; controlled drug; barbital

Injection kit with syringe (in tin case), 8 glass phials with cork stoppers and 4 glass ampoules of substances such as adrenaline, butobaritone and phenobarbitone. 25 mm x 150 mm x 95 mm, 291g. Manufactured by May & Baker Ltd., English, first half 20th century.

Leather covered injection kit with syringe (in tin case), 8 glass phials with cork stoppers and 4 glass ampoules of substances such as adrenaline, butobaritone and phenobarbiton


Yellow cardboard box contaning 250 tablets of 300 mg Barbitone Sodium tablets packed in a plastic bag. 75 mm x 45 mm x 45 mm, 104g. Produced by Arthur H. Cox, English, 1960-1985.

Box containing 250 tablets of 300 mg Barbitone Sodium tablets


Amber glass bottle with bakelite lid for 250, 5 grain tablets of Barbitone B.P. (approx. 150 tablets remaining). 128 mm x 55 mm diameter, 232 g. Dispensed by Mawson and Proctor, Newcastle, 1920-1940.

Amber glass bottle with bakelite lid for 250


Sealed glass bottle of "Somnifaine" hypnotic liquid (diethylbarbituric acid and allobarbital), with instructional leaflet, in original carton. 80 mm x 37 mm x 35 mm, 50 g. According to the instructional packed, Sominfaine is used to treat 'nervous insomnia' and other conditions such as delirium tremens, tetanus and strychnine and cocaine poisoning. It was also used as a sedative in cases of morning sickness and sea-sickness. Produced by Roche Products Ltd., English, 1940-1960.

Bottle of Somifaine liquid hypnotic, with carton and instruction leaflet


Small glass bottle with plastic lid containing sugar-coated Plexonal Hypnotic and Sedative tablets (dihydroergotamine, hyoscine, barbitone, phenobarbitone). 40 mm x 20 mm diameter, 7g. Supplied by Sandoz, from Savory and Moore, made in Switzerland, 1940-1970.

Small bottle of Plexonal tablets


Glass bottle with bakelite lid for 100 Barbitone tablets, with 10 remaining. 97 mm x 52 mm x 29 mm, 99 g. Supplied by Savory and Moore, Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England, 1940-1970.

Bottle of Barbitone tablets


Amber glass bottle with bakelite lid for 100 Tablets of Barbitone Sodium, 5 gr., with approximately 50 tablets remaining. 83 mm x 45 mm diameter, 125g. Manufactured by the British Drug Houses, English, 1930-1960.

Amber glass bottle for 100 Tablets of Barbitone Sodium, 5 gr.


Four glass tubes of "Tetronox" tablets (barbitone), within original cartons, complete with contents. 19 mm x 61 mm x 19 mm, 48g. Inscribed: 'SAVORY & MOORE / TETRONOX/ TRADE MARK BRAND/ TABLETS/ 10 TABLETS/ EACH 9 GRAINS/.../ Barbitone B.P. 80.7% Phenazone 5.5%/ Phenacetin 5.5% Hexamine 1.1%/ Magnesium Peroxide 0.9% Excipient to 100%/POISON' Made by Savory and Moore Ltd., London. English, 1940-1960.

4 x glass tubes in cartons of Tetronox tablets.


Glass bottle with bakelite bottle of Somnased tablets (barbital, aspirin, codeine). 90 mm x 36 mm x 28 mm, 76 g. Manufactured by Duncan, Flockhart and Co., English, 1940.

Bottle of Somnased tablets


Glass bottle with black painted steel screw cap lid of Barbitione Acetate Buffer for Electrolysis, contents half full. Inscription reads ' OXOID/code BR11g 100 Grams/ BARBITONE/ ACETATE BUFFER/ FOR ELECTROPHORESIS/ .../POISON/ This preparation contains the equivalent of 61% Barbitone Sodium/ MADE IN ENGLAND BY /OXOID LIMITED, LONDON, SE1 9HF/'. 118 mm Height x 60 mm Diameter , 254g. Manufactured by Oxoid, in London Greater London, England, United Kingdom, 1940-1980.

Bottle of Barbitone Acetate Buffer


Glass tube of 'Neurinase' tablets (barbitone) , in original carton, complete with contents. Instructions on glass tube state both hypnotic and sedative dosages. 65 mm x 26 mm x 26 mm, 25g. Inscribed: '.../"NEURINASE"/Tube containing 22 Tablets : net weight 129 grs/Sole Agents for Great Britain and Eire/WILCOX,JOZEAU & CO.Ltd./74-77, White Lion Street,LONDON,N.1/19, Temple Bar, DUBLIN/Manufacured by the Proprietors of / "NEURINAISE" by/PHYSIKON Ltd./74-77, White Lion Street, LONDON,N.1./ Each tablet contains:/ Barbitone soluable .. .. 3.3 grs/ Extract of Valerian .. 1.0 gr/ Lactose ... 2.2 grs / POISON' Manufactured by Physikon Ltd, London, for distributors Wilcox, Jozeau & Co. Ltd., London. English, 1940-1960.

Glass tube of Neurinase within original carton


10 cylinders of diaethylbarbituric acid tablets (barbital), wrapped in heavy brown paper. Overall: 138 mm x 45 mm x 14 mm, 54 g. Unknown maker, German military issue, 1910-1918.

Paper wrapper containing Barbituric Acid tablets
