Ring binder, card pages with plastic covering and steel ring clips, Road Vehicle Painting & Lettering Specifications, issued by Architecture & Design for British Railways Board National Road Transport Operations, Nov. 1990. Gives painting instructions, equipment lists, paint specifications, lettering and painting diagrams etc. for BR road vehicles. National Road Transport Organisation Road Vehicle Painting & Lettering Specifications 1990-11
British Railways Board "Cash Regulations - Financial Accounting Procedure G003" issued in May 1989. Cash Regulations - Financial Accounting Procedure G003 May 1989
Binder, original, for set of 15 colour lithographs, of The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings 1882
Ring binder, vinyl, steel and card with paper inserts , Numbers and Formation of Rolling Stock, issued by Network SouthEast, 1 Oct. 1992. Lists the type of stock with the unit number and the numbers of the individual vehicles, plus depot allocations and routes worked. Binder has BR and Network SouthEast logos on the cover. Numbers and Formation of Rolling Stock 1992-10-01
Ring binder containing sheets - Railtrack Human Resources - Employee Handbook. Contains details of policies and procedures such as alcohol and drugs, disciplinary, environmental, equal opportunities etc. Issued April 1994. Various later updates have been added in. Railtrack Human Resources - Employee Handbook 1994
Ring binder containing sheets - Railtrack Regulations for Train Signalling and Signalling General Instructions. In Railtrack binder but actually version issued by Railway Safety, 2001. Document no. GO/RT3062. Later updates have been added in. Railtrack Regulations for Train Signalling and Signalling General Instructions 1999-08
Binder containing letters to Mr Wightman, Fireman on the record breaking run from London to Newcastle and back, 1935, congratulating him on the trials. Also containing 12 photographs taken during the journey. 17 items. Binder of material relating to Mr. Wightman 1935
Ring binder, card pages with plastic covering and steel ring clips. 'Ford Service Literature' binder containing various British Railways Board National Road Transport Organisation documents relating to road vehicles, including specifications for conversions of car-derived vans for British Transport Police, specifications for BR vans, form of tender for road vehicles supply, ladder requirements, photographs of various vans and trucks including workshop van for Trainload Coal, lists of approved body builders and popular fleet types, operational guidelines and maintenance procedures, etc. Documents issued between 1990 and 1994. National Road Transport Organisation Specifications etc. 1990-1994
Ring binder, card pages with plastic covering and steel ring clips, Vehicle Manual, issued by British Rail National Road Transport Organisation, 1980s. Illustrates and gives general data for BR road cars, vans, pick-ups Land Rovers, minibuses, personnel and cargo carriers, trucks and tippers, trailers and special vehicles. National Road Transport Organisation Vehicle Manual 1980s
Trainload Freight - "Safety - Fire Safety Handbook," including training certificate and refresher questionnaire, issued 1994. Safety - Fire Safety Handbook 1994
Binder of procedures including trade union activity - general collective bargaining, health and safety at work, grievances, discipline, time off for union activity, deduction of union subscriptions, management staff, code on consultation, etc., August 1992. Includes a set of revisions to the procedures issued in April 1994. In a Trainload Freight binder. 1992 Procedures 1992-08; 1994-04
Binder, paper, plastic, steel, "British Rail Livery Handbook Locomotives Volume 1," issued by the British Railways Board, showing livery designs by Roundel Design Group, January 1990. Contains illustrated sheets showing the locomotive liveries for Intercity, Railfreight, Network Southeast, BR Mainline and BR General. British Rail Livery Handbook Locomotives Volume 1 1990-01
Ring binder containing notes made by W R Bruce at a course at Grantly School, August 1944, regarding Operating Control. Railway Operating Control Notes, 1944 1944-08
Binder, vinyl with brass screws holding paper pages, Rule Book, issued by the British Railways Board Oct. 1972. BR document no. 87109. Various later amendments have been added in up to 1984. Belonged to Robert Hilton, signalman at Whittlesey signal box, Peterborough. British Railways Rule Book 1972 1972
Ring binder containing sheets - Railtrack Railway Group Standard Personalised Rule Book No. 3 - Person Operating Signal Equipment. Contains details of duties, procedures etc. for signallers. Issued August 1999. Document no. GO/RT3003. Later updates have been added in. Railtrack Railway Group Standard Personalised Rule Book No. 3 - Person Operating Signal Equipment 1999-08