Current issue body armour (flak jacket) worn by UK and UN forces, 1996. Current issue body armour (flak jacket) worn by UK and UN forces 1996
sample of protective plate used in body armour showing effect of ballistic test: ceramic faced, composite backed, made by the Defence Clothing and Textiles Agency, 1996. Body armour, 1996. 1996
T-PRO motorcycle body armour: back protector type 09, 2 shoulder pad type 01, 2 arm pad type 02, 2 hip pad type 03, 2 leg pad type 04; in plastazote and nylon, by Sports Protection Ltd., 1996. T-PRO motorcycle body armour: back protector type 09 1996
Samples of protective plates used in body armour showing effect of ballistic test: 3 ceramic faced , composite backed; one in steel; made by the Defence Clothing and Textiles Agency, 1996. Plus 5.6mm bullet and 7.62mm bullet. Body armour, 1996. 1996
one samples of protective plate used in body armour showing effect of ballistic test: ceramic faced , composite backed, made by the Defence Clothing and Textiles Agency, 1996. Body armour, 1996. 1996