Object type

Periodic table bookmark


Far and Sure, Golfing Resorts on the Glasgow & South Western Railway

Bookmark, Inter-City 125


One book marker, in silk. / T[homas] Stevens, Coventry, nd. [c1859]. Embroidered design of a balloon and two aeronauts. 'Many Happy Returns of the Day' and birthday message. 2 1/8 x 9 1/2 inches, 24.5x5.5cm.

Many Happy Returns of the Day

circa 1859

Dome 2000: bookmark, circular metal, engraved with architectural drawing of Millennium Dome roof cable net structure. [1999]. Diameter 5cm. Specially made for sale at the Dome

Dome 2000: bookmark


Bookmark, plastic, bearing the legend 'Railfreight Speedlink - the freight name for reliability', paperclip-shaped, produced by British Rail for promotion of Railfreight..

Railfreight Speedlink - the freight name for reliability


Advertising Bookmark, GWR, "Holiday Haunts Book Marker" Cardboard bookmark, Dimensions: 7" x2"

Advertising Bookmark, Great Western Railway, "Holiday Haunts Book Marker" Card

Bookmark. London & North Western and Caledonian Railways. Travel to Scotland and the Highlands by the West Coast Royal Mail Route via Carlisle. With photographic view of Edinburgh on reverse. 62 x 184mm.

London & North Western and Caledonian Railways Bookmark

Advertising bookmark, G&SWR, Cardboard "Far & Sure Golfing Resorts on the G&SWR", Dimensions: 6 3/4"x2?"

Advertising bookmark

Advertising Bookmark, L&YR&LNWR Joint, Cardboard Bookmark, Depicts map of lines and photo' s of landmarks on route, Dimensions: 7"x2?"

Advertising Bookmark

Advertising Bookmark, Caledonian Railway, Cardboard Bookmark. "Caledonian Railway. The Famous Grampian Corridor - Quickest and best route between Scotland & England", Dimensions: 7 3/4"x2 3/4"

Advertising Bookmark, Caledonian Railway

Bookmark of the Cornish Riviera with coloured vignettes on front & details of the Cornish Riviera Express & plan of route on reverse. [c.early20c]

Bookmark of the cornish riviera with coloured vignettes

Bookmark, Caledonian Railway, The Grampian Corridor, printed by Dobson Molle & Co Ltd, depicting a Caledonian train passing Stonehaven golf course and bay.

The Grampian Corridor

Bookmark, card, Caledonian Railway and Steamers - The Clyde Coast and Arran Resorts, 1906. Issued by the Caledonian Railway, printed by Dobson, Molle Co. Ltd. Illustration shows a steamer in a bay, reverse advertises the West Coast Route and the new Glasgow Central Station, with a 1906 calendar.

Caledonian Railway and Steamers - The Clyde Coast and Arran Resorts


Commemorative bookmark: 160th anniversary of the running of Agenoria in England and the Stourbridge Lion in America 1829-1989

Commemorative bookmark, Agenoria and Stourbridge Lion

Bookmark, London & North Western Railway, showing with black & white drawings of 'The Guard' in 1827, 1857, 1907 and with details of holiday booklets on reverse.

London & North Western Railway bookmark


[Bookmark] / National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. [Printed on the bookmark is a photograph of the balloon in flight and the legend "This fabric bookmark is a part of the balloon 'Explorer II' which in the service of science attained a world's altitude record of 72,395 feet above sea level on November 11, 1935". On reverse are particulars of the "flight of the National Geographic Society - U.S. Army Corps stratosphere balloon", including flight personnel]

Bookmark, National Geographic Society


Book mark, Holiday Haunts Book Marker, Great Western Railway. Book mark made by the GWR to accompany its "Holiday Haunts" series of guide books. Depicts St. Michael's Mount, nearest station Penzance.

Holiday Haunts Book Marker

Bookmark, Great Western Railway, "The Vale of Llangollen".

Great Western Railway bookmark the Vale of Llangollen


Advertising Bookmark, GWR, Cardboard bookmark, "Great Western Railway Holiday Haunts Marker" depicting Warwick Castle, Dimensions: 162mmx50mm

Advertising Bookmark, Great Western Railway

Advertising Bookmark, North Staffs Railway, Cardboard bookmark. "North Staffordshire Railway Waterhouses and the Manifold Valley." June 1906

Advertising Bookmark, North Staffs Railway

Advertising Bookmark, GWR, "Holiday Haunts Bookmarker Issued by Great Western Railway" depicting Gloucester Cathedral, Dimensions: 2"x7"

Advertising bookmark, Great Western Railway