On Display
Object type
Metal cake stand, stamped BR-M & makers mark.

Silver plated cake stand, British Railways - Midland Region

Cake Stand, silver plate, Southern Railway, by Walker & Hall, top of base stamped Southern Ry, SR ensign, bottom of base stamped Walker & Hall, M, A1, Sheffield, 83.

Silver plated cake stand, Southern Railway

Cake stand, silver plated, Southern Railway, made by Elkington & Co., Birmingham, top of base stamped Southern Ry, SR ensign, base stamped E&Co in shield, Elkington plate, England, M.

Silver plated cake stand, Southern Railway

Cake/pastry stand, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1927; ornate octagon on circular pedestal, GWR coat of arms in centre, banner below "GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY HOTELS".

Silver plated cake stand, Great Western Railway - Hotels


Fruit/Cake stand, silver plated, Great North of Scotland Railway, oval fluted dish on central foot, pierced border and ornate handle, "Great North of Scotland Railway Company 11" roundel in centre, made by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, 5962, 1896.

Silver plated cake stand, Great North of Scotland Railway


Cake stand, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, white with border of green and pink roses, Keswick pattern (English).

Ceramic cake stand, London & North Eastern Railway


Fruit/Cake stand, silver plated, "Prince's Plate", by Mappin & Webb, Highland Railway, 5-petal flower-shaped bowl on central stand, garter on outside "HIGHLAND RAILWAY COY"

Silver plated cake stand, Highland Railway

Cake stand, silver plated, Pullman, marked with interlocking monogram ‘PCCL’, Pullman Car Company Limited, by Elkington & Company Limited, 1881.

Silver plated cake stand, Pullman


Cake stand, silver plated, by JR & S for J Lyons & Co Ltd, London Chatham & Dover Railway, circular on central stand, beaded rim, flat top with LCDR coat of arms in centre with " LCDR" above

Silver plated cake stand, London Chatham & Dover Railway

Salver/cake stand on four feet, silver plated, 205mm dia., British Oxygen Company Limited Gases Division Millionth Ton of Liquid Gas by Rail, 21st July 1976; hallmarked Sheffield at top.

Millionth Ton of Liquid Gas by Rail commemorative cake stand


Cake stand, ceramic, London & North Western Railway, white with printed blue and hand-painted red border, marked "L&NWR Reg No 662595". Made by Minton, Stoke-on-Trent, 1912-1922. Overall: 73 mm x 274 mm, 1.41kg.

Ceramic cake stand, London & North Western Railway


Fruit/Cake stand, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, Great North of Scotland Railway, oval fluted dish on central foot, pierced border and ornate handle, "Great North of Scotland Railway Company" roundel in centre with '11' in middle.

Silver plated cake stand, Great North of Scotland Railway

Cake/Pastry stand, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, 1930, Great Western Railway, circular, on circular pedestal, GWR coat of arms in centre, banner below "GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY HOTELS".

Silver plated cake stand, Great Western Railway


Cake stand, glass, London & North Eastern Railway, with LNER scroll motif, no maker's mark.

Glass cake stand, London & North Eastern Railway
