3 Small wooden cylindrical containers in poly bag from Kodak 57B Guil Pastille (0195) Box 56-22A). NOTE: THESE ITEMS CAN BE FOUND AT 1990-5036/0195/1-3 Accessories from Kodak 57B Guil Pastille
Purma special camera accessories. One lens hood, one No.3 green filter, 1 No.4 blue filter, 1 No.2 orange filter and 6 portrait attachments 18, 24, 32 inches, 31/2-5, 5-71/2 and 71/2-10 foot. purma special camera accessories
Micro-photographic camera accessories:- 2 aplanatic bull's eye condensers, each on stand with centring screws, 2 dark slides, oil lamp Micro-photographic camera accessories
A fitted Minolta accessories case containing a Minolta control unit 1200 AF, a Minolta lighting selector Macro 1200 AF, a tripod adaptor, strap, and two lens rings. Minolta Camera Accessories in Case
Original carrying box and accessories for "Oko" sub-standard cine camera/projector by Proszynski, patented 1912. Accessories include; spare lamps, lens unit, and voltmeter housed in pocket watch case. Case and accessories for 'Oko' sub-standard cine camera/projector 1912
Parts and accessories for Biokam 17.5mm combined camera, printer and projector, 1899. Brass lens and cover; three film spools; leather lens cap; light bulb; film carrier box; two metal keys. Parts and Accessories For Biokam Amateur Cine Outfit 1899