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Object type

Gas canister for oxygen


S.L.V. Mini oil canister

Butane gas refill canister for Ronson butane lighter


Copper sterilising canister for pipettes


Copper sterilising canister with one pipette


Leather canister, leather cylindrical canister with hinged lid and leather handle. Metal clasp, 44 painted on in yellow. Dimensions: 10 1/2"x7 1/4"

Leather canister

Metal canister, North Eastern Railway, cylindrical canister with hinged lid. NER embossed on top. Dimensions: 10"x8" diam.

Metal canister, North Eastern Railway

Pewter canister, cylindrical with detachable lid, soldered joints.

Canister from Italian Medicine Chest


Aluminium canister of hyoscyamine extract. English, 1963-1979

Canister of hyoscyamine extract

Glass canister with plastic pop lid and paper label. Canister contains 5 grams of powdered diamorphine hydrochloride.

Glass canister containing powdered diamorphine hydrochloride


Plastic canister with plastic pop lid and paper label. Canister contains tablets of codeine phosphate, an analgeasic produced from the methylation of morphine.

Canister containing tablets of codeine phosphate


Canister of "Mepavlon" tablets (meprobamate) with some tablets remaining. Height 59 mm x diameter 30 mm, weight 10g. Inscribed: '30 / TRADE MEPAVLON MARK / MEPROBAMATE / TABLETS / 400 MILLIGRAMMES / IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED / PHARMACEUTICALS DIVISION / WILMSLOW CHESHIRE / Made in Gt. Britain / ... ICI'. Made by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Wilmslow, Cheshire. English, 1960-1970.

Canister of 'Mepavlon' tablets


Circular metal canister of pink 'Protamyl' tablets (promethazine and amylobarbitone). 45 mm x 25 mm diameter, 10 g. Produced by May and Baker, from Savory and Moore, English, 1940-1970.

Canister of Protamyl tablets


Canister of "Medinal" tablets, (barbitone sodium) half full. Height 56 mm x diameter 42 mm, weight 22g. Inscribed: 'FOR DISPENSING ONLY / Each tablet contains: / 0.32 Barbitone / Sodium B.P./.../100 TABLETS each 0.32 G / MEDINAL/ A Schering Product / HYPNOTIC / made in England / BRITISH SCHERING BS LIMITED SLOUGH / 'MEDINAL' and 'SCHERING' are registered trade marks/POISON'. Made by British Schering Ltd., Slough. English, 1950-1960.

Metal canister of 'Medinal' tablets


Tin canister of 'Dexten' tablets (dextroamphetamine sulphate) with several remaining. 46 mm x 35 mm diameter, 15 g. Produced by Nicholas Laboratories Ltd., English, 1950-1970.

Canister of 'Dexten' tablets


Metal canister for 1000 Butobarbitone 100 mg tablets, approximately 200 pink tablets remaining. 140 mm x 75 mm diameter, 141 g. Dispensed by W. B. Cartwright Ltd., English, 1950-1980.

Canister of Butobarbitone Tablets


Metallic cylindrical canister with aluminium screw cap and paper label. 'Spansule' brand capsules contain small pellets of sustained release formulation consisting of the active ingredients dexamphetamine sulphate (under the brand name Dexedrine) and amylobarbitone. Use for mild temporary neuroses.

canister; controlled drug; dextroamphetamine

Plastic container for 500 Epanutin with Phenobarbitone capsules (phenytoin sodium and phenobarbital), approx. 50 remaining. 117 mm x 60 mm diameter, 58 g. Produced by Parke Davis, Wales, 1970-1985.

Epanutin with Phenobarbitone capsules (phenytoin sodium and phenobarbital)


Unidentified drug in aluminium "Carbrital" canister (substance is not original to the canister). 94 mm x 67 mm diameter, 257 g. Canister produced by Parke, Davis and Co., English.

Unidentified drug in Carbital canister

25g professional sample tin of Neutradonna Sedative powder (belladonna alkaloids, amobarbital, aluminium sodium silicate). 60 mm x 57 mm diameter, 66 g. Label indicates the powder is an 'Antispasmodic, antacid, sedative with Vitamin C'. Produced by British Schering Ltd., English, 1960-1980.

Canister of Neutradonna Sedative


Plastic canister for 100 Lorazepam 2.5mg tablets, with approximately 12 remaining. 45 mm x 27 mm diameter, 7 g. Manufactured by United Pharmaceuticals, English, expired 1988.

Plastic canister for 100 Lorazepam 2.5mg tablets


Two boxwood canisters – one sealed, the other opened - containing glass vial with cork stopper and paper label of lamellae gelatine discs impregnated with cocaine, by Savory and Moore Ltd., London, England, 1925-1945

Two wooden canisters with wooden screw cap and paper label to contain glass vial with cork stopper and paper label of lamellae of cocaine

Two yellow painted steel canisters, with pin-latches: one canister contains five packets of ipecacuanha and opium tablets (Pulv Ipecac. opiat.), plus four loose tablets of the same; the other canister contains a packet of ipecacuanha and opium tablets, unsigned, Germany, 1914-1918. Used by the German military.

Two steel canisters, with six packets and four tablets of ipecacuanha and opium tablets

Aluminium canister - labelled with: ‘Spansule is a Trademark’ – of 1½ gr. ‘Spansule’ Phenobarbitone capsules, by Smith Kline and French Laboratories Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, 1960-1968

Canister - labelled with: ‘Spansule is a Trademark’ – of 1½ gr. Phenobarbitone capsules


Plastic container for 100 Lorazepam 1mg tablets, approximately 20 remaining. 52 mm x 25 mm diameter, 8 g. Manufactured by Evans, English, expires 1988.

Plastic container for 100 Lorazepam 1mg tablets


Canister of 'Enterocid' phthalylsulphacetamide tablets with instructions, by British Schering Limited, London.

Canister of 'Enterocid' phthalylsulphacetamide tablets with instructions

Canister of Dr. Jenner's indigestion powder, by Savory and Moore, 143 New Bond Street, London, England.

Canister of Dr. Jenner's indigestion powder

Tin dispensing canister containing 'Pardale' tablets (Paracetamol, codeine phosphate and caffeine). 60 mm x 59 mm diameter, 80 g. Label reads, ' In all cases where there is moderate, acute or chronic pain, including - Headache, Rheumatic Disorders, Neuralagia & Neuritis, Dysmenorrhoea etc.' By Dales Pharmaceuticals, from Savory and Moore, London, 1950-1960.

Tin Canister of Pardale tablets


Aluminium canister for 100 Veramon tablets (amidopyrine and barbitone) with contents remaining. 80 mm x 54 mm diameter, 77 g. Supplied by British Schering Ltd., English, 1920-1950.

Canister of Veramon tablets


Canister of Spanule brand 1.5 g phenobarbitone capsules. 49 mm x 32 mm, 10 g. Manufactured by Smith, Kline and French Ltd., Coldharbour Lane, London, SE5, England, 1955-1970.

Canister of Phenobarbitone capsules


Tin-plated canister of Phenobarbitone and Theobromine tablets. 84 mm x 55 mm diameter, 140 g. From Savory and Moore's shop, by Martindale Samoore, London, 1951-1970.

Canister of Phenobarbitone and Theobromine tablets


Boxwood canister - opened – containing glass vial with cork stopper and paper label of lamellae gelatine discs impregnated with cocaine, by Savory and Moore Ltd., London, England, 1925-1945

Boxwood canister - opened – containing glass vial of lamellae gelatine discs impregnated with cocaine


Canister of 'Codoforme Botol' tablets (Codeine), complete with contents. Instructions on canister for dosages relating to both adults and children. Height 67 mm x diameter 27 mm, weight 19g. Inscribed: 'CODOFORME/BOTOL/20 TABLETS / ... / CODEIN... B.P. 1948 gr. 1 7 / .../ TINCT. BELLAD. B.P. m. 2/CONTINENTAL LABORATORIES LTD./101, Great Russell Street,/LONDON, W.C.1/...'. by Continental Laboratories Ltd., 101 Great Russell Street, London, WC1, England. English, 1950-1970.

Canister of 'Codeforme Botol' tablets


Sugar canister for Drew & Sons "En Route" Tea Basket, c1890. Overall: 63 mm x 65 mm x 57 mm.

Sugar canister for lunch basket


Oil canister, white metal, for Drew & Sons "En Route" Tea Basket, c1890. Overall: 60 mm x 90 mm.

White metal oIl canister, En Route lunch basket


Metallic cylindrical canister with metal screw cap and paper label. To contain (some missing) Ritalin brand of tablets consisting of the active ingredient of methylphenidate hydrochloride. Described on the canister as an 'anti-depressive'.

canister; controlled drug; methylphenidate


Canister of Tedral S.A. tablets (ephedrine sulphate, phenobarbitone), with some remaining. 54 mm x 25 mm diameter, 10g. Inscribed: 'TEDRAL S.A. TABLETS / KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN / R. T. CHRISTOPHER, (Prop. A. M. Christopher, M.P.S.)/ 29 Silver Street, BRADFORD-ON-AVON Telephone 2276'. Made by Warner, dispensed by R. T. Christopher, Bradford-upon-Avon. English, 1970-1985.

Canister of Tedral S.A. tablets


Auguste Lumiere metal film container for Lumiere manufactured film, 1896-1900.

Container for Lumiere Manufactured Film


Tin cylindrical canister, with attached hinged lid and carrying handle, for Ocean depth sounding machine, used for marine vessel navigation, patented by Sir William Baron Kelvin Thomson, British, 1876 and made by James White, Glasgow, Scotland, 1876

Tin cylindrical canister


Plastic container of 500 pink Soneryl tablets, each 100mg (butobartitone).95 mm x 60 mm diameter, 166 g. Produced by May and Baker, English, manufactured in 1985, expired Jan 1990.

Plastic container of 500 pink Soneryl tablets


Glass canister with plastic pop lid and paper label. Canister contains 2 grams of powdered morphine hydrochloride.

Glass cannister with plastic pop lid and paper label. Canister contains 2 grams of powdered morphine hydrochloride


Canister of 'Codasphen' tablets (Codeine Phosphate). Height 81 mm x diameter 23 mm, weight 18g. Inscribed: 'EXTRA RAPID / ANALGESIC Codasphen TABLETS / 15 Tablets containing: / Codeine Phosphate 1/8 gr. / ... / FOR HEADACHE . NEURALGIA. COLDS . INFLUENZA . RHEUMATISM . ETC. / MOORE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS LTD./ABERDEEN SCOTLAND'. Made by Moore Medicinal Products Ltd., Aberdeen. Scottish, 1950-1970.

Canister of Codasphen tablets


Canister of "Neuro-Trasentin" tablets,. Height 59 mm x diameter 34 mm, weight 31g. Inscribed: '100 Tablets / Neuro- / Transentin / Reg. T.M. / Antispasmodic, sedative / POISON Sch. 4A / CIBA / .../ CIBA LABORATORIES LIMITED / Horsham, Sussex / Made in Great Britain / Unauthorised export prohibited / 44254'. Made by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., Horsham, Sussex. English, 1940-1960.

Canister of 'Neuro-Transentin' tablets


Aluminium canister of 100, 5mg "Ultandren" tablets( Fluoro-hydroxy-methyltestosterone) with screw top. 45 mm x 30 mm diameter, 16 g. Yellow label with green type reads, '5 mg/Utandren/ 100 tablets/.../CIBA Laboratories Limited/Horsham, Sussex/. ..' Manufactured by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English, 1930-1950.

Canister of Ultandren tablets


Plastic cannister with plastic pop lid and seal. Cannister containing 100 Dexedrine brand tablets consisitng of the active ingredient dexamphetamine sulphate. Dexamphetamine has actions qualitatively similar to those of amphetamine sulphate, but is twice as potent. It is used as a stimulant of the central nervous system and is used to relieve fatigue, produce an increase in mental activity as well as create a general feeling of well-being.

Plastic cannister with plastic pop lid and seal


Glass canister with plastic pop lid and paper label. Canister contains 2 grams of powdered morphine hydrochloride.

Glass canister containing powdered morphine hydrochloride


Cylindrical wooden cannister with wooden screw cap containing two glass phials with cork stoppers and paper labels. To contain 'Occulets' or opthalmic tablets of cocaine hydrochloride. Also present is a small camel hair brush.

canister; controlled drug; cocaine


Canister of "Soneryl sodium" capsules (butobarbitone) with half of the contents remaining. Height 96 mm; diameter 47 mm, weight 49g. Inscribed '100 capsules each 0.15 Gm. 123/ TRADE MARK 'SONERYL SODIUM' BRAND/ Butobarbitone Soluable/ POISON/ .../ MAY & BAKER LTD./ DAGENHAM ENGLAND/ G X.247/ Distributors/ PHARMACEUTICAL SPECIALITIES/ (MAY & BAKER) LTD./ DAGENHAM ENGLAND'. Distributed by May and Baker Ltd., Dagenham, London. English, 1940-1960.

Canister of 'Soneryl Sodium' capsules


Metal canister, with metal screw cap, containing Filon tablets. Indicated for the treatment of obesity. The active ingredients phenmetrazine theoclate and phenbutrazate hydrochloride are both anorectic agents used to make dietary restrications more It is advisable to limit a course of treatment to 1 month, as prolonged treatment may lead to severe mental depression and to addiction characterised by psychotic reactions.

canister; controlled drug; phenmetrazine

Metallic cylindrical canister with aluminium screw cap and paper label. 'Spansule' brand capsules contain small pellets of sustained release formulation consisting of the active ingredients dexamphetamine sulphate (under the brand name Dexedrine) and amylobarbitone. Use for mild temporary neuroses.

canister; controlled drug; dextroamphetamine