Canister of "Viozin" ointment in original carton, by Glaxo Laboratories, Ltd., English Canister of "Viozin" ointment in original carton
Canister of "Abidec" multi-vitamin capsules, by Parke, Davis and Co., English, 1960-1970 Canister of "Abidec" multi-vitamin capsules 1960-1970
Canister of "Direma" tablets, with instructions in original carton, by the Distillers Company (Biochemmicals) Ltd., English Canister of "Direma" tablets
Canister of "Berkmycen" tablets by Berk Pharmaceuticals Ltd., English Canister of "Berkmycen" tablets by Berk Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Canisters of "Antrenyl" tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English Canisters of "Antrenyl" tablets after 1954
Canister of 'Cuscutine' pills in original carton with instructions, 12 Boulevard Saint-Martin, Paris, France, 1950-1965. Canister of 'Cuscutine' pills in original carton with instructions 1950-1965
2 canisters of "Histryl Paediatric" capsules, by Smith Kline and French Labs. Ltd., English 2 canisters of "Histryl Paediatric" capsules
Canister of "Mebryl" capsules, by Smith Kline and French Labs. Ltd., English Canister of "Mebryl" capsules
2 canisters of "Degrasin" pills, with instructions, in original cartons, German, imported by Schering Ltd., London 2 canisters of "Degrasin" pills
Canister of "Thean 300" tablets supplied by Astra-Hewlett Ltd., English Canister of "Thean 300" tablets supplied by Astra-Hewlett Ltd.
Canister of "Fenostil-retard" tablets, supplied by Zyma (U.K.) Ltd., Swiss Canister of "Fenostil-retard" tablets
Canister of salicylamide tablets, by T.J. Smith and Nephew, Ltd., English Canister of salicylamide tablets
Canister of "Dioctyl-Medo" tablets by Medo Chemicals Ltd., English Canister of "Dioctyl-Medo" tablets by Medo Chemicals Ltd.
Canister of "Rheumalgesia Dellipsoids D5" pills by Damancy and Co., Ltd., English Canister of "Rheumalgesia Dellipsoids D5" pills by Damancy and Co.
Canister of "Vascardin" tablets, by Nicholas Laboratories Ltd., English Canister of "Vascardin" tablets
Canister of "Thalazole" tablets by May and Baker Ltd., English Canister of "Thalazole" tablets by May and Baker Ltd.
Tin canister with lid, containing compressed quinine sulphate prepared by Howards and Sons Ltd, Stratford, Essex, 1860-1910 Tin canister with lid
Canister of "Sympathyl Chantereau" tablets, French Canister of "Sympathyl Chantereau" tablets, French
Canister of 'Iodeopirine' tablets, by E. Viel et Cie, 37 Av. de l'Opera, Paris, France. Supplied by Bengue and Company Ltd., 24 Fitzroy Street, London, W1, England. Canister of 'Iodeopirine' tablets
Tin canister containing bottle of tincture of iodine, hinged lid, painted yellow Tin canister containing bottle of tincture of iodine
Tin canister holding powdered salicylic acid, painted yellow with hinged lid Tin canister holding powdered salicylic acid
Tin canister for saccharin, yellow painted with hinged lid, empty of contents Tin canister for saccharin
Tin canister containing about 40 peppermint leaf tablets, painted yellow Tin canister containing about 40 peppermint leaf tablets