Object type
Bundle of brown hemp tied with string, contained in transparent plastic bag. According to Science Museum listing, it is Indian hemp from a Turkish drug shop, and dates from between 1851 and 1920.

Bundle of brown hemp tied with string


A glass specimen jar containing a thin layer of bhang. A label attached says that it originates from Zanzibar, East Africa. Bhang is a form of cannabis which consists of specially dried leaves and flowering shoots of both male and female plants, and uncultivated. Cannabis was formarly employed in mania and nervous disorders as a cerebral sedative or narcotic but is now rarely used as a theraputic agent (Martindale 1967. p 276). With the specimen is a small painted piece of wood, possibly as a stand. (See note)

specimen jar; controlled drug; cannabis


Ribbed circular brown glass bottle, with a paper label, containing tincture of cannabis indica, of which some remains. The bottle is labelled 'Tinct. Cannab. Ind. B.P.', and embossed 'POISON'. Manufactured by Wright, Layman and Umney Ltd of London. Pure cannabis preparations became illegal in the United Kingdom in 1925 when under an amendment to the Dangerous Drugs Act it was classified as a class B drug. As a result all cannabis preparations were removed from the British Pharmacopeia 1930.

Ribbed brown glass bottle, containing tincture of cannabis indica


Empty clear glass specie jar, with glass stopper and hand written paper label which contained Indian Hemp / Cannabis Indica B.P

bottle; controlled drug; cannabis


Indian Hemp / Cannabis Indica B.P from clear glass specie jar, with glass stopper and hand written paper label

Indian Hemp / Cannabis Indica B.P., from clear glass specie jar


Clear glass bottle with glass stopper, paper label. Containing 'Royal Hemp' 'ephedra sinica stapf gnetaceae'. Also known in chinese herbalism as 'Ma Huang'. Believed to have been used since the 3 millenium BC in the form of a tea, known as 'yellow tea' or 'whorehouse tea', for the treatment of the symptoms of asthma and hayfever.

Glass bottle containing 'Royal Hemp' 'ephedra sinica stapf gnetaceae'


Sample dish containing examples of dried hemp leaves. Hemp, otherwise known as indian hemp or cannabis, and is the tips of the pistillate plant of cannabis sativa (cannabinaceae) and was formerly employed as a sedative or narcotic. Cannabis has muscle relaxant and appetite stimulant effects and reduces intra-ocular pressure. Dish is sealed.

specimen dish; controlled drug; cannabis


Sample of cannabis 'Ganja', mounted in a plastic dish on a display board describing the product, its effects and its uses.

sample; controlled drug; cannabis

Glass bottle with cork stopper of 100 soluble pills of ergotin compound: extract ergotae, extract cannabis indica (inscription reads 'Ext. Can. Ind.') and extract strychninae. 97 mm x 40 mm x 27 mm, 90 g. Printed label reads, '100 SOLUBLE/PIL./ NO.137./ERGOTIN COMP./EXT. Ergotae - 3grs./ Ext. Can. Ind. 1-6gr./Strychinae -160gr./Schieffelin & Co./ NEW YORK'. Produced by Schieffelin and Co., New York, distributed by Potter & Sacker, London, 1910-1940.

Bottle of compound ergotin pills


Glass bottle with cork stopper containing 100 gelatin-coated Sedative pills (sumbul, hyoscyamus, valerian, Indian cannabis). 98 mm x 35 mm x 22 mm, 74g. Made by Parke, Davis and Co., London, mid-twentieth century.

Bottle of Sedative Pills


Clear glass bottle with cork stopper and paper label. Containing approximately 8 ounces of hemp (cannabis) seeds 'cannabis sativa, Linn, fam.urdicaceae'.

specimen jar; controlled drug; cannabis


Small circular clear plastic dish with lid, sealed with cellotape. Containing hemp seeds.

specimen dish; controlled drug; cannabis


Small ceramic, stoneware pot with paper lid and paper label. To contain approximately one ounce of extract of cannabis (indian hemp).

jar; controlled drug; cannabis

Cardboard box with hinged lid, lined with wax paper, and with paper label on top. Containing capsules consisting of the ingredients zinc valerianate, carbolic acid, strychnine, extract of rhubarb, indian cannabis. These pills are for unknown reasons

box; controlled drug; cannabis

Wooden box with sliding lid containing dried Cannabis Indica. 35 mm x 102 mm x 70 mm, 44g. Made by the Apprentice Chemists Association, England, c.1880.

Box of dried Cannabis Indica


Sample of cannabis 'bhang', mounted in a plastic dish on a display board describing the product, its effects and its uses.

sample; controlled drug; cannabis

Light green circle based jar with glass topped cork stopper, paper label and remains of paper seal. Contains large quantity of 'Indian Hemp' seeds from the plant cannabis sativa.In the early 1900s Cannabis sativa seeds were used to prepare a liquid. The preparation contained 1.5% phosphorus and was given to children in food as a tonic to build them up. This example was originally housed in the Government Central Museum, Madras, India.

specimen jar; controlled drug; cannabis


Sample of cannabis 'churris', mounted in a plastic dish on a display board describing the product, its effects and its uses.

sample; controlled drug; cannabis

Sample of cannabis 'hashish', mounted in a plastic dish on a display board describing the product, its effects and its uses.

sample; controlled drug; cannabis

Yellow and red enamled steel box with plastic window containing a specimen of dried cannabis, number 164. 45 mm x 45 mm x 60 mm, 45g. Prepared by Parke, Davis and Co., American, 1931 to 1960.

Metal container of dried cannabis


Brown glass, circle-based, half -fluted jar with metal screw cap and paper label, containing B.D.H. Cannabin. Tannas. Cannabinae Tannas powder, when mixed with water or alcohol, was used as a hypnotic in nervous sleeplessness and in acute mania. It also used to treat dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia. Dose 4 to 8 grains, this is the dosage listed in the Extra Pharmacopoeia from 1936-1941.

Brown glass, circle-based, half -fluted, containing B.D.H. Cannabin. Tannas.

Amber glass bottle of 100 gelatin-coated sedative pills with cork stopper. 100 mm x 35 mm x 23 mm, 66g. Label reads, '.../No. 593/SEDATIVE/Ext. Sumbul/.../ Ext. Hyoscymus.../Ext. Valerian.../Ext. Indian Cannabis.../Dose: 1 to 2 pills/.../PARKE, DAVIS & Co./LONDON'. Cork stopper is glazedin an adhesive and bears a logo with the name 'Medicamenta Vera'. Produced by by Parke, Davis and Co., London, 1910-1940.

Bottle of sedative pills


Clear glass jar with large glass stopper and paper label. Containing some 'chanvre hindou' or as it is more commonly known 'cannabis sativa'. Only some contents remain. Presumed to be from India.

jar; controlled drug; cannabis


Square glass bottle with cut-glass stopper containing Chlorodyne tablets (morphine hydrochloride, cannabis, nitroglycerine, capsicine and peppermint). 100 mm x 35 mm x 35 mm, 135g. Ferris & Co. Ltd , English, 1893-1900.

Bottle of Chlorodyne tablets
