Chessell type 320 6-channel chart recorder, serial no.1979-5284, each channel fitted with function generator and high and low level alarms, made 1979. Chessell type 320 6-channel chart recorder, 1979 1979
Model 2800 chart recorder, used in the Department of Nutrition and Diatetics, King's College, London. Manufactured by Bryans Southern Instruments Ltd, Mitcham, England, 1970-1980 Model 2800 chart recorder 1970-1980
Chart recorder, Beckman 10", made by Beckman Instruments Ltd., Glenrothes, Fife, model 1005, catalogue no.153202, serial no.001426 Chart recorder
Gas Chromatograph model 1700. Made by Varian Aerograph c. 1968. With Varian Aerograph Chart Recorder, model 20 Gas Chromatograph model 1700 circa 1968
Chart recorder ("quick acting recorder, experimantal model") made by Cambridge Instrument Co. 1943, used with an infrared spectometer Chart recorder 1943
Chart recorder, Perkin-Elmer 196, model 196-0023, serial no. K33414, made by Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, October 1969 Chart recorder 1969
Infrared spectrometer IR9 and chart recorder, by Beckman Instruments Incorporation, United States of America, 1964 Beckman Infrared spectrometer IR9 and chart recorder 1964
Chart recorder by Honeywell Controls Ltd. model No.Y5015357855-01-05-0-000-705-07-/068; Serial no.378548 (Found with 1979-504 but not thought to be part of it) Chart recorder by Honeywell Controls Ltd.
Stanton thermo balance with brass beam a steel column and cylindrical air dampers, serial number 7092, with chart recorder, grey metal case, April 1954. Stanton thermo balance with brass beam a steel column and cylindrical air dampers 1954
Pye Argon gas chromatograph with Honeywell chart recorder, c. 1960 Pye Argon gas chromatograph with Honeywell chart recorder 1960-1963
Perkin-Elmer 550S ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometer, with attached chart recorder, serial number 5299 (ID Nr. 103716), 1970s. Perkin-Elmer 550S ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometer 1970s
Components for oxygen isotope apparatus (pirani gauge and heads, mass spectrometer, chart recorder). Components for oxygen isotope apparatus